Ionia County
- Surnames: LINHART, YAGER
Submitted by: Jan Sedore
THE SUNFIELD SENTINEL November 21, 1929 -- Page 1
YAGER-LINHART - Miss Elaine Linhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs R. E. Linhart, was united in marriage to Mr. Theo Yager, son of Mr and Mrs Edd Yager of Lake Odessa, Saturday, November 16th. The young couple, accompanied by Margarette Yager, sister of the groom, motored to Toledo, Ohio. Rev. Uphoff of that city officiating.
Submitted by: Jan Sedore
Mr & Mrs ROSEVERE 40th anniversary, Sebewa, Ionia County, Michigan
The Sunfield Sentinel June 11, 1931 Page 1, Col. 5
Mr and Mrs. William Rosevere Given Big Reception at Church Friday Evening The fortieth wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs William Rosevere of Sebewa was most fittingly observed by a reception at the Sebewa Corners M. E. church Friday evening, June 5, with a very large crowd present. A goodly number in attendance were former residents of the neighborhood who are now residents of other places. A program was given as follows: Two numbers by the Sunfield High School orchestra. Invocation by Hayward, a former pastor of the Sunfield-Sebewa charge. Song by Sunday school class. "Old Neighbors" in which John JOYNT, D. G. WEIPPERT and Mr and Mrs M. S. ALLEN each gave a short talk, Mrs S. L. BUCHNER read letters from old neighbors who were not able to be present; Mrs Roy DAWDY told of Mr and Mrs Rosevere's arrival in Sebewa and of their stay at her mother's (Mrs KELLEY) until they got settled in their new home; an outline of the Sunday school when the Rosevere's arrived was given by Mrs Andrew SAYERS. Mrs Fanny SPENCER gave a vocal solo, "When You and I Were Young Maggie." Another number by the orchestra and a few remarks by Rev. THOMPSON. Mr and Mrs Rosevere both responded in a very fitting way and by request Mr. Rosevere told of their coming to America. Following the program refreshments were served. Mr and Mrs Rosevere were the recipients of a set of dishes from those present and also a magazine holder from the Portland Grange. Mr and Mrs Rosevere were married at Callingham, England, June 4, 1891. They came to America in March 1893 and settled in Illinois where they remained five years, then bought the farm in Sebewa and arrived here January 28, 1898, and in a few days were settling in their new home where they have since resided. Mr and Mrs Rosevere made one trip back to England since residing here. Mr. Rosevere is now supervisor of Sebewa Township.
Submitted by: Pam Swiler
George SHEFFER of Vermontville and Miss Esther VANBUREN of Lake Odessa were married at White Lake, Oakland County, June 17, by Rev. Elmer C. GLYNN (Source: Personal Scrapbook of news articles belonging to S.J. HENRY)
Submitted by: Pam Swiler
Homer A. WELLS of Vermontville amd Miss Muriel VANBUREN of Lake Odessa were married January 10 at Vermontville by Elder James W. ROACH. (1933) (Source: Personal Scrapbook of news articles belonging to S.J. Henry)
Submitted by: Pam Swiler
Nov. 12, 1933
Miss Louise SHOWERMAN, daughter of Mrs. Cora SHEPARD of Sebewa, and Melvin BUCHNER, son of Mr. and Mrs. S.L. BUCHNER, also of Sebewa, were married Sunday afternoon at 1:30 at the home of the bride's mother, by the Rev. Glenn ALDRICH of Sunfield. The bridesmaid was Miss Pauline HOLCOMB of Grand Rapids, and the best man was Chas. GIERMAN, also of Grand Rapids. This bride's gown was of mahogany brown crepe.
Others present at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. S.L. BUCHNER, Hugh SHOWERMAN and Mrs. Glenn ALDRICH.
A wedding dinner was served following the ceremony.
The bride is a graduate of the Grand Rapids high school and of the Western State Teachers College of Kalamazoo, and has been teaching in the Hastings school for several years. The bridegroom has resided here part of the time for the past seven years. He is a graduate of the Lansing Business University and has held several different positions.
Mrs. Buchner will continue to teach at Hastings and the couple will reside there until spring when they will move to her mother's farm and Mr. Buchner will operate the farm. (Source: Personal Scrapbook of news articles belonging to S. J. Henry)
- Surnames: DARBY, STEELE
Submitted by: Pam Swiler
Forrest DARBY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. DARBY of Woodland township, and Miss Marie STEELE, daughter of Mrs. Lulu STEELE of Lake Odessa, were united in marriage Saturday afternoon at Middlebury, Ind. A single ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. J.H. Fike at his home.
The bride, formerly of Sunfield, is a graduate of the Lake Odessa high school of the class of '32. The groom is employed at the Lake Odessa cooperative elevator.
The Sentinel and Sunfield friends join in extending congratulations. (March 24, 1934) (Source: Personal Scrapbook of news articles belonging to S. J. Henry)
- Surnames: TRUSSELL
Submitted by: Audrey Moffatt Rogers
From a clipping in the Burr Oak Acorn, Burr Oak, St. Joseph County, Michigan
In the Burr Oak Acorn 28 July 1864 - "Reuben TRUSSELL (II) from Belding, Michigan was in town to see his home in Burr Oak."
Submitted by: Gordon Bush
(April, 1890; newspaper unknown) - GOLDEN WEDDING. One of the most interesting and joyful gatherings for many years in Berlin, occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson PRATT Tuesday, April 1st. The occasion was the celebration of their "Golden Wedding" 'gotten up by their children as a surprise to their honored parents -- the surprise and April Fool combined made it exceedingly interesting to all parties. One of their neighbors Mrs. Fanny SCOTT, appeared to be taken in a fit, (gotten up for the occasion) and Mrs. PRATT was called upon to go and minister to her, as she is always willing to do when her help is needed. The coast being clear about their home, the rest of the preparations, previously made by their children, immediately commenced to be carried out and like magic the rooms of their house were stowed full of furniture, cakes, pies, chicken pies and all kinds of choice and tempting eatables from the pantries of the children and neighbors, and long before noon the house was crowded with guests, and when all was ready, Mrs. SCOTT became convalescent and the bride of 50 years was seen to be approaching; as she arrived at home, all were in their places, and as she entered her door, the scene that met her eyes should have been witnessed to be realized. Such a kissing and hugging and hand shaking as took place is seldom seen in a lifetime. The bridegroom was not as easily got rid of, but he got several April fools, nevertheless. The party consisted of all the brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren of the bride and groom, and several of their neighbors and intimate friends, fifty in all. There was present from & distance their daughter and granddaughter, Rosina and Bertha WARNER from Geauga Co., Ohio; daughter Emma BUSH, her husband and family of three children from Grand Rapids; their son Horton, wife and little girl from Shepherd, Isabella Co., Mich.; his brothers, W. F. PRATT and wife from South Lyons, and B. H. PRATT from Geauga Co., Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. James PARDEE and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne PARDEE from Bowne; sister, Emeline A. STRICKLAND, from Saranac, although very feeble was present, and all were very glad to see her, for it was feared that her ill health would deprive her of being with us and thus a link would be missing.
Several valuable presents were received by the happy pair, presented them in behalf of the donors by Brother FRANKLIN; although being unexpectedly called upon, and having made no preparation, his words of presentation fitted in like clock work and were very appropriate.
PRESENTS: A Gold headed cane by Brother Franklin, one of his own manufacture. Gold headed cane by his children. Gold ring by neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. J. PATRICK, Mr. and Mrs. William EARLE, Mr. and Mrs. J. WAITERS, Mr. and Mrs. W. NUSBAUM, Mr. and Mrs. John CARMAN, Mr. and Mrs. M. GRISWOLD. Cuff buttons by children. Bedspread by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne PARDEE. Table spread by Mr. and Mrs. James PARDEE. Hand painted panel picture by their granddaughter, Bertha WARNER. Tidy by daughter Rosina. Towel by Mrs. KRESBAUGH. Box of writing paper, Mr. KRESBAUGH. Spectacle case by daughter, Lottie. A pin by sister Caroline PRATT. Tidy by little granddaughter, Iva, made by herself. Cup and saucer by Mrs. WHEELOCK. Picture of the children in a group in a beautiful frame. This last causing much merriment and spatting of hands for as they received it and looked to see the group of children, all sizes of the children shouted April Fool. The pictures were minus, but the following day they gathered at the photograph gallery to get their pictures taken which when ready will be placed in their proper place in the frame. When the bridegroom looked in the empty frame, he said, "There was a striking family resemblance". When the presentation was over, Nelson, with overflowing feelings, thanked them, saying, "He could say no more at that time". A poem written for the occasion was then read by Brother B. H. PRATT, received with cheers and clapping of hands. Recitation by Bertha WARNER.
"The Golden Wedding" --Poem.
Song by little Iva BUSH, "Where do all the Daisies grow." - Poem.
Recitation by Blaine CILLEY, "Two Little Rabbits." Recitation by Ernie BUSH, "What one boy thinks. "-Poem. (Loudly cheered.)
Recitation by Glen PRATT, "Grand-Mother's Pocket." - Poem.
Then followed one of the most sumptuous feasts on record or at least it was a big one and it was enjoyed as none but a Wolverine can enjoy a feast. After dinner, Bro. Franklin appeared in the garb of a very old man, poorly dressed, crooked and lame, singing, "George the Third." This act took the "house down," immensely.
Letters of regrets from Mr. Almond HODGE from Unionville Ohio, and Rev. N. R. EVARTS and Mrs. EVARTS from Oakdale Park, Mich., were received by B. H. PRATT. Later on, Mr. WALTERS and Mr. PATRICK, instigated by some previous grudge (?) appeared in the room with the large dinner bell, accompanied by Mr. NUSBAUM with a tin pan, making it lively; for a little time with their tremendous hoard of music. This part of the program caused much merriment and cheering, as did the song of "George the Third." As evening approached, this happy gathering dispersed to their several homes with happiness sufficient to last a short lifetime.
Ages of the bridegroom, the bride, brothers and sisters: Nelson H. PRATT, 71 years; Sarah Maria PRATT, 68 years; Wm. F. PRATT, 74 years; B. H. PRATT, 66 years; Emeline A. STRICKLAND, 63 years. 1840, -
GOLDEN WEDDING, 1890, Nelson H. PRATT to Miss Maria ABELL.
Supposed conversation of the bridegroom to the bride. Written by B. H. PRATT.
To the Buckeye Woods of the Western Reserve, My memory runs back when strong men of nerve
Had settled in the wilderness, to build up a home
For children and grandchildren which were yet to come.
The men were strong and sturdy, of brave, New England stock,
With hearts as strong as iron, principles firm as a rock;
They erected rude lost cabins, which answered very well
For a shelter and a home, as the mighty forests fell.
The drawbacks then were numerous, when clearing up the land,
But every man was ready to lend a helping hand.
And women too, as well as men, should always do their part,
Their homespun clothes, and coarse outside, enclosed a tender heart.
Wild beasts were also numerous, and often would appear
Within a close gunshot a bear, wolf, or deer;
And flocks of wild turkeys, a hundred or more,
Would often pass by within sight of the door.
Sometimes these wild flocks would prove a Godsend,
Like the quails of the Hebrews, on which to depend.
For sustenance; for when short on provisions to eat,
These flocks of the forest made excellent meat.
These things we remember as em's of truth,
That transpired long ago, while yet in our youth.
It counts up in years, nearly three score and ten,
When our parents were all young women and men.
But time quickly passed, it began to appear
Through the changes of seasons, year after year,
That the boys and the girls were outgrowing their youth;
It changed not the fact, by evading the truth.
Like most of young men at that time of life,
I made up my mind to seek for a wife;
A bosom companion, good, noble, and true.
To accompany me, my life's journey through.
I wanted a wife, young handsome and spry,
Not gaudy or gay like a young butterfly,
But a woman of sound good morals and sense,
Whose love would be more than a simple pretense.
My search was most thorough, while looking around
Among the fair damsels, very many were found
I Who looked very well, and appeared very fine,
But before I made a choice, I took plenty of time
To study their ways, at home and abroad,
That I might be sure of choosing no fraud;
I wanted a wife, who was gentle and true,
Who would prove a rare jewel, our life's journey through.
Your beauty and virtues and innocent ways,
Attracted my heart in those earlier days;
I soon was convinced that your quiver and dart,
Completely had won, and captured my heart.
Like some other young men in such a pursuit,
I was bashful and timid and awkward to boot;
I tried many ways, and formed many plans,
To muster up courage to ask for your hand.
Now that was so foolish, I ought to have known,
That while I was waiting, the bird might have flown;
Some other brave suitor might bear off the prize,
Might capture, and win, right under my eyes.
Had I only known the state of your mind,
And how you desired, at that very time,
To hear from my lips a proposal of love,
How bold I'd have been, and how quick to propose.
But I mustered up courage, as in the parlor we sat,
With lips half enclosed, and heart pit-a-pat,
And managed to say, after holding my breath,
Will you become mine, in life and in death?
The thing had been done; the words had been dropped,
My mind was relieved; the question was popped;
When the answer would come, would I hear no or yes,
From those beautiful lips? I hardly dare guess.
But your answer came quickly, which thrilled me with joy,
To be sure that I will, my scared, trembling boy;
I am not only "A-bell." but willing to make
Your companion for life, and all for your sake.
I long have waiting, and anxious to hear,
Such a question as this, proposed to my ear;
To the man of all men, whose love I adore,
I would gladly have answered this question before.
As I stopped to reflect when this glad answer came,
In my wonderful joy, I felt half ashamed,
To think I had dawdled so long in suspense,
In not boldly proposing, like a man of good sense.
The ice was now broken, it took but a short time
To arrange other matters, when you should be mine;
The moments passed quickly, our wedding day named,
The first day of April, our good parson came
To solemnize our marriage in wedlock's holy bond;
He asked if we were willing, and would heartily respond;
And would we walk together, and live a pleasant life?
As we gladly bowed assent, he pronounced us man and wife,
That was fifty years ago, and here we are today.
How quick the years have flown, and time has passed away;
We have had a share of sorrows, but a large amount of joy;
Our blessings have abounded, with but a small alloy.
Today we meet again, what a contrast we behold,
Reminding each of us that we are growing old;
The wrinkles on your forehead, and furrows in your cheeks,
Speak, and plainly tell us, that time is playing freaks.
Those black and shining ringlets, have given place today,
What, to us might seem more fitting, silver locks of gray;
And that elastic step, that used to skip with case,
Has changed to shorter strides, is moved by feeble knees,
Your form which stood erect, and moved so graceful once,
Is bending low with age, and care, that many graces blunt;
These truthful signs of age, that in you now I see,
Have each a lodging place, and counterpart in me.
But our loving hearts are young; they never will decay,
Beating always for each other, full of happiness today;
We are happy in our children, and happy in our friends,
And in every other blessing, our Heavenly Father sends.
This day, above all others, occurs but once in life,
The "Golden Wedding Day," for the husband the wife;
Who have enjoyed together, fifty years of wedded bliss;
Looked forward to by many, but oh how many miss.
Six of our loving children are with us here today,
We miss one lovely boy, who has been Called away;
Which leaves a vacant place no other one can fill;
We accept God's call in meekness, bowing to His Holy will.
He has taken only one of the number that He gave,
And for this His Holy Son suffered on the cross to save;
And can we ask, in view of this, or shall we dare complain,
Of our kind Father's sovereign will, and wish him back again.
They all belong to Him; He has the highest claim.
If He had taken all, we never should complain;
But He is very kind, in sparing these so long,
For well we know this truth, we all to Him belong.
And here are our grandchildren, the lambs of the flock,
Bright little scions, of the grand-parent stock;
Lovely and happy, in their innocent ways,
Reminding us strongly of our infantile days.
They have all come to see us, and it is so grand,
To bid them a welcome, this fine little band;
Their bright, happy faces, are a suitable proof,
Of what they enjoy at their grandparents' roof.
We are so glad to see them, in their frolics and play,
We gladly would join them, but our heads are so gray;
Oh, how they would laugh, and look up in our face,
If we should propose to run them a race.
But we can take pleasure in watching their sports,
In their laughter, and fun, and cracking of jokes;
It does their hearts good, when they see that we take
An interest in all of the joys they partake.
In this little band of grandchildren we see
About us today so full of their glee.
Several links we find missing, a break has been made,
The churchyard will tell us where those have been laid.
The Being who cares for the lambs of the flock,
When He in the streets of Judea, did walk;
Said, "Suffer the children to come unto Me,
For of such, the Kingdom of Heaven should be."
Came down from above, took these lambs in his arms,
From this sinful world of briers and thorns;
And bore them away in his bosom of love,
To dwell with him safely, in mansions above.
What a joy this must be, to the parents who mourn
For the loved ones that's gone, no more to return;
They cannot come back, but the Savior says come,
And join them again, in the heavenly home.
There are other dear friends, who have heeded this call,
We gratefully give a kind welcome to all;
To brothers and sisters and cousins alike,
A bond of affection, our hearts now unite.
We are glad you are here to witness the tie,
That has bound us together, fifty years that's gone by;
If our friends should see fit to tie it again,
We have nothing to say, but simply. "Amen."
Though we think that a knot, that lasts fifty years,
Is a pretty safe knot, and we have no fears;
But what the old knot would carry us through;
But perhaps second childhood may want something new.
So, wife, get your "fixins" and put on good style,
I know you can do it, it may take quite awhile;
For the girls of to day require more time,
Than when we were young, to make them look fine.
But I have great faith that you can out shine
The girls of to-day, who are now in their prime;
At least, I've no wish to make an exchange,
For any young girl, who half her time spends
At the mirror that hangs o'er the front parlor shelf,
Exquisitely fond of beholding herself,
As she daubs on the paint, and frizzos her bangs,
And when she gets through, sits folding her hands.
Oh, my! Don't she think that she is just some,
As she sits at her ease, with her mouth full of gum?
With rings on her fingers which are playing tattoo
On the back of a chair, for she has nothing to do.
Let us look for the mother of this modern belle,
And give this fine lady a rest for a spell;
In the kitchen we find her, from morning till night,
Pitching into the work, with all of her might.
Taking no time for rest, but works like a slave.
For what little she can, she is anxious to save,
To give her fine daughter a grand setting out,
And this is the way she must bring it about.
But I have digressed from the matter in hand,
On purpose to show what a different stand,
The mothers and daughters of present day take,
And what sort of housewives the daughters will make.
I know you'll excuse me for what I have said,
About the young girls who are anxious to wed;
I wanted to show to our friends, the contrast
In the girls of to day, and the girls of the past.
Then, hip! hip! hurrah! A rousing three cheers,
For the girl of my choice, for the past fifty years;
If our friends wish to see us married over again,
Just trot out your parson, we'll furnish the game.
Submitted by: Gordon Bush
Sad Accident - (1909) Stanley BUSH was killed by a Pere Marquette yard engine at Lansing Wednesday afternoon April 6. He was walking in the direction of the Michigan Central Station and when between Shiawassee and Michigan avenues he attempted to dodge a Michigan Central freight train and in doing so stepped in the path of the Pere Marquette yard engine. His right leg was severed at the hip, the other leg was broken below the knee, and his right arm was broken at the elbow. The accident occurred at 3 o'clock. He was taken to the city hospital where he died at 6 o'clock. He was conscious to the last. He was going to the depot with his mothers' suitcase at the time. The Michigan Central train was coming toward him and he did not hear the engine on the other track, which was coming from the other way, and he stepped in front of it. Stanley was well known here as he has been with his aunt a great deal and while there attended school in Saranac. The friends have the sympathy of all in their aflections. The remains were brought here from Lansing Thursday afternoon and taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer GRISWOLD in Berlin from where the funeral was conducted by Rev. G. K. FAIRBANK held Friday forenoon. The burial was in Saranac cemetery.
Submitted by: Melinda Strong
Excerpted from the Funeral Memorial book for my great grandmother, Ida Alice (Elliott) Smith. She was born 13 December 1865 in Seneca County, Ohio (to Augustus ELLIOTT and Sarah Ann CRAMER), and died 27 January 1946 in Cass City, Michigan (at the home of her daughter Avis Smith BENKELMAN). She was predeceased by her husband William Bert SMITH. The services were held at Peters Funeral Home in Grand Ledge, Michigan on 30 January 1946. A.R. Gold, Cong. Church, Lake View, Michigan officiated. She was interred at Lakeside Cemetery in Lake Odessa. Pall Bearers were John WALTER, Clarence CHERRY, Harry CULP, David DAVIS, Carl BYWATER, and Francis HOAG. Fraternal Organizations Rebekah Lodge, Silver Top Circle, Congregational Church, Past Noble Grand. Past Nobel Grands: Minnie M SHANE, Pearl BICE, Flora SAXTON, and Hattie WOOD. Rebekaks Page: Guy SAXTON, Gladys CHALLENDER-Noble Grand, Harriet BARBER, and HELEN HALSTEAD. Friends who Remembered: Marie WALTER, John O. WALTER, Luke M. PANKHURST, Mattie J. BECK, Almeda SECHMAN, Harry O. CULP, Mrs. Helen DAVIS, Miss Vina BENJAMIN, Lilah PADGHAM, Edith BARRY, Mrs. Frank PEABODY, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence PEABODY, Mrs. Seth KINGSLEY, Ester HANETER, Mrs. Anna BROWN, Mrs. Lee Roy PATTERSON, Myrtie WISEMAN, Mrs. Frank GRIESE, Mrs. Hattie GIBBS, Mrs. Harley KINNE, Mrs. A.A. HODGES, Mr. and Mrs. John HERBERT, Mrs. and Mrs. Bernard HERBERT, Mr. Elliott HODGES, Mrs. Cevilla SOUDER, Alma MASKLE, Carrie WAGEMAKER, Dr. and Mrs. O.J. ROBINSON, Delores SAUDER, Keith HERBERT, Mrs. Clara BRIMMINGSTAALL, Helen PERRY, Mrs. Levi JENSON, Mrs. L.E. SIMPSON, Mrs. Maggie BROWN, Mrs. Mae CRIST, Mrs. Rose M. BOWES, Mrs. Ray DOTY, Mr and Mrs. Harley BRUNGER, Frank & Donald WAY, Maybel L. GRISSON, Helen HALSTED. Floral Tributes: Silver Top Circle, Mr. and Mrs. Donald WAY, Mr. Frank WAY, Past Noble Grand Club, Mrs. Addie RYERSON, Mr and Mrs Carl BYWATER, Congregational Church, Rebecca Lodge, Clarence & Helen CHERRY, Mr. and Mrs. John HERBERT, Mr and Mrs Bernard HERBERT, Mrs. Ceviela SOUDER, Dr. and Mrs. O.J. ROBINSON, Mrs. Clara BRUMNINGSTALL, Mattie BECK, Mrs. SECHMAN, Mrs. PANKHURST, Mr and Mrs Kenneth WATSON, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Dailey, Mr and Mrs. Jay BILLS, Mr. and Mrs. Donald SNYDER, Mrs. A. LEWIS, Mable L. GRISSON, Mr. and Mrs. Bert DICKENSON, Col and Mrs. R.J. SINDLENGER, Mr. and Mrs. Victor HUHN, Mr. and Mrs. Allen CAREY, Mr. and Mrs. Levi JENSEN, Mr and Mrs. L.Ry. BRIGGS, Mr and Mrs Gaylord TYLER, Mrs. and Mrs. John HORNER, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin BREACH, Mr. and Mrs. Cy PADGHAM, Mr. and Mrs. Roy DOTY, Mr. and Mrs. John P. WALLERS, Mrs. M.L. BRAGEE, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde BOWES, Mrs. Elmer SUEHERTAND, Mrs. Lewis HOOKER, Mr. and Mrs. Russel BRUNGER, Mrs. Gratia SPACE, Gordon HUGHES, Mac and Ester McCULLOUGH, Scottie and Lucille, Bertha and John WEST, Mrs. McCULLOUGH, Mr. and Mrs. L.I WOOD, Dr. and Mrs. P.A. SCHENCK, Great Lakes Greyhound, Manferd BURLEIGH, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. TRIPP. Helpful Friends: Helen CHERRY, Clarence CHERRY, John WALTERS, Marie WALTERS, Mrs. DOTY, Rose BOSE.

Last update January 10, 2008 |