1880 Census Record Research Transcription of the 1880 census is available online at FamilySearch. In the 1880 Federal census you can get the following information: the name, age, and sex of each individual in the household whether each individual was white, black, mulatto, Indian, or Chinese the month of birth if the individual was born within the year the relationship of each individual to head of household whether an individual was single, married, widowed, or divorced whether or not an individual was married within the year the profession, occupation, or trade of each male the profession, occupation, or trade of each female the number of months an individual was unemployed during the census year whether or not an individual was sick or temporarily disabled so as not able to function normally, and if so, the nature of the illness whether an individual was blind, deaf, dumb, idiotic, insane, maimed, crippled, bedridden, or otherwise permanently disabled whether or not an individual attended school within the year whether or not an individual can read and write each individual's state, territory, or country of birth each individual's mother's state, territory, or country of birth each individual's father's state, territory, or country of birth Federal Mortality Schedules exist for the years 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880. Mortality schedules counted the number of deaths that occurred in the year before the census was taken, and exist for the 1850 through 1880 censuses. This means that there are only four schedules currently available for the U.S. census. A mortality schedule lists the individual's name, age, sex, occupation, cause of death, date of death, and place of death by county. A copy of the Ionia County Mortality Index is available as part of CD 164, "Death Records, Mortality Records 1850-1880 available from Broderbund Software. The following census films are available at the Ionia Community Library (formerly Hall-Fowler Memorial Library) in Ionia. 1880 Census - 6 rolls - MI ( Ionia, Iosco, Isabella, Isle Royale, Ingham, Kent and Ottowa Counties)
Click here for an 1880 Census Form
Last update December 28, 2007 |