The Advertiser
Saranac, Michigan
 November 14, 1923
Transcribed by LaVonne I. Bennett

THE ADVERTISER, Saranac, Ionia County, MI; November 14, 1923:

About seventy-five of the members of the American Legion and Auxiliary and their guests of the Relief Corps and Post gathered the banquet board at the Rebekah Hall on Monday evening and did full justice to the annual Armistice rabbit pie supper prepared by the ladies of the Auxiliary of which Mrs. Amy STEBBINS is president.

A pleasing program followed the supper with John ADGATE as toastmaster. Will Stebbins, Post Commander welcomed the guests. A beautiful vocal solo wand encore was rendered by Marie GATES with Mrs. Dorothy GAMSBY as accompanist. Supt. MacLEACHERN was then introduced as one of the “buddies” and entertained with amusing reminiscences of happenings in France.

Mrs. Glen ADGATE and Mrs. Sadie BILLINGER delightfully rendered vocal duet and encore, Mrs. Earl SCHEID and Mrs. John ADGATE followed with an instrumental duet. Mrs. Bertha EDDY responded to her introduction with a few well chosen words followed by the singing of AMERICA………


Miss Mildred Adgate, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ADGATE, who live in Berlin township, was united in marriage Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock to Herman EEFSEN of Orleans township. The ceremony was performed at the residence of Rev. and Mrs. E. L. SUTCLIFFE. Mrs. EEFSEN has been taking a nurse’s training course at the Blodgett hospital at Grand Rapids. She was a member of the graduating class of 1920. After December first they will make their home in Orleans.


Friends and relatives from out of town who were here to attend the funeral for Mrs. Helen A. Minor were: Mrs. I. L. WHEELER, Mr. and Mrs. James MARTINEK and two children and Dr. and Mrs. E. B. MINOR and daughter, Aseneth of Traverse City; Rev. and Mrs. I. W. MINOR and two sons, Raymond and Willard, and daughter, Geraldine, of Kalamazoo; Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Walker and son, Robert, Miss Mildred GROOVE, Mr. and Mrs. WEBB, and Mr. and Mrs. Clark ROCKFELLER of Grand Rapids; Mr. Frank SHERWOOD and daughter, Mary, of Ionia; Mr. and Mrs. Otis MINOR and son, Neal, and daughter, Grace of Lake Odessa; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie ANDREWS, Mrs. Oscar LEITCH, and Miss Mildred ANDREWS of Durand; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar BLISS and Mr. and Mrs. Clair BLISS of Lansing.


Miss BAIRD was the leader of the Young People’s meeting which was held last Sunday evening.
Mr. WEAVER has kindly consented to lead the meeting next Sunday evening at 6:30. Everyone is cordially invited – Freda GARLICK, Sec’y.


Mr. and Mrs. Fred HUNTER of Saranac and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph BIGLEY of Keene visited the latter’s brother, Charles WESTBROOK, and family near Spencer Mills Church Sunday.

Two of Berlin township’s pioneers, Marshal TANNER, and Mrs. R. B. MINOR, came to life’s parting at nearly the same time and their funerals were held on Sunday. They were both among the early settlers of that township and both have been active in the social and civic affairs of the community, and were held in the highest esteem and friendship.


LOCAL HAPPENINGS: Rev. Wm. DAWSON, who has been pastor of the Church of Christ at Muir for the past year has resigned
     and will go to the Owosso church.
Alma BUTTON is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. L. McNALL, in Detroit.
A check has been received for $1,500 insurance on the life of Earl JEPSON, drowned in an automobile
     accident near Lowell. The check was payable to Mrs. M. K. JEPSON, Earl’s mother, and was for
     group life insurance carried by the Hayes-Ionia company of Ionia on its employees.
Phlorus HALE has moved to Lansing from Keene.
Mr. and Mrs. HERRICK, parents of Mrs. CARPENTER, have moved from their farm near Palo to the
     Walter HIGGINS house for the winter.
Major A. P. LOOMIS and son of Ionia and Flint were callers Saturday.
James NOTT of Ionia was in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. COVERT of Rockford, visited their son and daughter here Sunday.
Mrs. H. T. JOHNSON spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Fred STARK, in Grand Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin DODGE of Lansing came Saturday and Sunday. Her mother, Mrs. M. J. KESTER,
     accompanied them to their home to spend the winter with them.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. McCAUL and Mr. and Mrs. Oris SMITH of Lowell were here Friday to see Paul
Chicken thieves are busy.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. CAHOON and children and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. BARTLETT and children visited Mr.
     and Mrs. Harry CURTIS of Lyons Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayson DODD of Grand Rapids visited relatives Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R.J. PIERCE and two sons and Miss Nellie WALSH of Grand Rapids were guests Sunday
     of Mr. and Mrs. Harry COVERT.
Mrs. Hattie JOHNSON of Lowell has gone to Colorado to spend the winter with her brother.
Harold SIMPSON has rented his farm the Albert WELLS place to Stanley RATHBUN and has moved to
Clayton CAHOON of Keene has moved into the HYLAND house on Fuller Street.
Criticism of the methods of conducting our public schools today would be much less frequent if each
     community had a good, working Parent-Teachers’ Association. Let everyone attend the meeting Friday
     evening and boost the work along.
Misses Evelyn and Vivian TOWER of Ionia spent Sunday with their father, G. P. TOWER and family.
Mrs. Dan GEIBE and daughter of Grand Rapids spent Sunday with Saranac friends.
The MITE Society of the Congregational church will be entertained by Mrs. W. H. HUNT and Miss Metta
     MOSHER at the HUNT residence, Wednesday, Nov. 21. Band No. 2 will serve refreshments. All are
A pen of White Leghorns owned by E. E. SHAW of South Haven stood first in the International Egg Laying
     contest which ended at M.A.C. the first of November according to statistics just released by the poultry
     department at the college. With a mark of 2,125 for the ten birds in the pen during the year of the
     competition. SHAW’S entry squeezed out first place by a margin of only 28 eggs over another pen of White Leghorns entered by C. S. THOMPSON of Allen, Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. James LYON and sons of Lansing visited here Saturday night and Sunday with her parents,
     Mr. and Mrs. David GATES.
A letter from M. E. GRISWOLD who is now in Glendale, California, says: “We had a wonderful trip out
     here, but, believe me Saranac still looks mighty good to both of us.
Mrs. Emma L. BUSH spent the week end in Grand Rapids with her son, Harold, and family.
Mrs. T. S. BARBER was called to Muskegon Wednesday to sing at the funeral of Mrs. Fred MORLEY.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred LEWIS spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. T. S. RUID, and family in Grand
G. H. DIAMON and family went to Fowlerville Thursday to visit his mother who had just returned home
     from the hospital where she had been for treatment.
Charles CUTLER of Keene had an attack of appendicitis last week.
Henry L. PaQUIN formerly of Lyons was brought back from Alpena last week by the Deputy Sheriff
     HOPKINS, on a charge of embezzlement.
The Royal Neighbors will meet at 1:30 on Friday at the home of Mrs. H. T. JOHNSON.
The M. E. Aid Society will meet Wednesday, the 21st at 2 p.m. at the Aid rooms. The business meeting will
     be followed by a short missionary program by Miss LeBARRE who will give us some interesting stories
     of her life in Africa. Everybody welcome. Let all members be ready to pay their dues.
Mrs. T. S. BARBER was in Ann Arbor Friday and Saturday and attended the football game between the U.
     S. Marines and the Michigan University teams. There were 1500 Marines in the parade which was
     headed by the 300-piece U. S. Marine Band. It is estimated that more than 65,000 people were seated
     in the stadium. She also attended the dedication of Yost house Saturday.
IONIA SHEEP WON. John WELCH returned to Ionia last week with the Powell Shropshire and Welch
     Hamp flock of 24 sheep with which he captured about all the honors in three state fairs and came home
     after a trip of 2,500 miles with plenty of honors to satisfy anyone and a neat sum of cash to the credit of
     the trip. This was not only a big ad for the folks, but it has put Ionia county on the map as a sheep raising


CARD OF THANKS – We wish to extend our sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for their kind deeds to the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs for the flowers, to the singers, also Rev. HALLADAY for his kind and cheerful words at the time of the death and burial of our sister. – Clinton HAYES and Family, Mrs. Frank MOHAR and Family, Mrs. Vincent MOHAR and Family, Walter J. HAYES.


R. C. RATHBUN has moved back to his farm in Keene.
Mrs. Addie CAMPBELL of Toronto, Ont. came last week to visit Mrs. J. R. HAY.


BOSTON AND LOWELL: Miss KANE the teacher, stayed over the week end. The last we heard from her sister she was slightly
Frank ROGERS and wife of Lansing spent over Sunday with Lyle BOVEE’S people.
Albert KYSER and wife of Lowell are helping dig potatoes at Lyle BOVEE’S.
Mrs. Carl WINGELIER and Ardith spent Friday in Grand Rapids.
The Aid Society was held at Mrs. Mary WISNER’S Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. MORAL is at Wesley CROOKS’ helping them. Mr. and Mrs. CROOKS were both hurt recently in
     some fracas with the team on PECK’S hill in Lowell.
Dale BUTTERMORE and family were at the CLARK home a week ago Sunday.
Herbert CLARK and wife gone to Midland where he will work in the chemical factory.
Ralph STORY was at the KOTESKY sale Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis FREEMAN and little child of Elmbrook spent Sunday with Carl WINGEIER’S.
Sam CARY attended the PANT and BENJAMIN sales not long ago.
Lyle BOVEE and family were in Lowell to see her parents Sunday afternoon. Mrs. BOVEE also visited her
     father Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay WARE of Hastings were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph STORY one day last
Joel ALDRICH and family and other parties from Grand Rapids have been coming to Ralph STORY’S for
     potatoes the past week.
Mrs. Sam CARY’S uncle, Will MOORE and wife, their daughter and husband and little son were dinner
     guests at the Cary home Sunday. In the afternoon Phil JONES, father and mother and Phil’s little boys
     were callers.
Freda STORY and Charlie CARY attended the funerals of both the High School girls who were drowned. Marion attended the McCAUL girl’s funeral.
Charlie CARY is home from school on the sick list.
NORTH CAMPBELL: Visitors at the home of Leroy HEAVENS Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence BENEDICT of Freeport
     and Mr. and Mrs. TITIS of Indiana.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl ROTH and Sheila were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley LENHARD of Elmdale
Clarence TROWBRIDGE and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred WALTER.
Mr. and Mrs. FULLWEILER entertained company from Grand Rapids Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert HEAVEN entertained their children to dinner Sunday in honor of Mrs. HEAVEN’S
Eli KAUFFMAN and family were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. MILLER.


CARD OF THANKS – Words are inadequate to express our appreciation and thanks to the dear neighbors and friends for the friendly sympathy for the beautiful flowers and music, and the many, many deeds of generous thoughtfulness, which did so much to help us bear our great sorrow in the sudden loss of our dear son and brother, Earl. – Mr. and Mrs. Merton JEPSON, Mr. and Mrs. Dale JEPSON.


CARD OF THANKS – I wish to thank the friends who were so kind to me and assisted me to my home in my illness – Mrs. A. GORDON


SOUTH BOSTON: Earl STRICKLAND took a load of potatoes and household goods to their future home near Battle Creek
     Monday afternoon returning Tuesday forenoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ACKERSON and son visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayland TAYLOR near
     Saranac Sunday.
Earl STRICKLAND and family and Ernest TUCKER and family visited Newell TUCKER and family
There was a good attendance at the Ladies’ Aid at Mrs. Milo SCHWAB’S Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. O’HARROW had callers from Grand Rapids Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewie MOTE and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton MOTE from Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. John
     RAIMER and son of Clarksville were Sunday visitors at the home of Otis HERRON.
MORRISON LAKE: Samuel DAUSMAN has gone north for his annual deer hunt.
Mrs. Lynn BUTLER and Mrs. Homer WALTER and daughter were Grand Rapids visitors on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ara WEEKS and sons spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Frank BACHELDER, and family of
Mrs. E. GOODSELL spent Friday with Mrs. G. LaVEAN.
Mrs. Jessie McCRODAN is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. WALTER.
A number of Dutton friends came Saturday evening to surprise Mr. and Mrs. Ezra GOOD.
Mr. and Mrs. E. GOODSELL and family spent Sunday with her parents in South Lowell.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra GOOD spent Sunday with his parents at Dutton.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion DAUSMAN and family spent Sunday at Homer WALTER’S.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn BUTLER spent Friday evening at the M. A. C. at Lansing and attended the barbecue.
Mrs. Blanche STOCKFORD of Saranac spent the week end with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra GOOD, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. WALTER and Mrs. Blanche STOCKFORD were Grand
     Rapids shoppers Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton WALTER are moving into their new home in Saranac.
Henry YEITER who has been helping Samuel DAUSMAN with his fall work returned to his home last
Mrs. Wm. SALYEAR of Chadwick used the contents of an oil can to start a fire in a stove in her home
     Tuesday. An explosion followed and Mrs. SALYEAR was taken to a hospital by two men who
     happened to be passing the house at the time of the explosion. Little hope is held for her recovery.


Albert BROTHERS, aged 73, residing in Orleans township, was found dead in his home, the body lying near the stove. It is thought that the aged man had dropped dead two or three days previously. He had been in ill health for several years and had lived alone. Heart disease is believed to have been the cause of death.


Mr. and Mrs. Howard OLMSTEAD and children visited Mr. and Mrs. John STAIR of Grand Rapids Sunday afternoon.


OBITUARY - Mrs. Helen A. MINOR - Helen Aseneth, daughter of Ephriam and Lucretia (PECK) ANDREWS, was born in Orleans Co, N.Y., April 25, 1843 and departed this life at her home in Saranac, Michigan, Nov. 9, 1923.

While yet young she came with her parents to Shiawasee county, Michigan. Before the Civil War broke out she became engaged to Robert Blake MINOR, a sturdy young farmer of those pioneer days.

He enlisted as a volunteer and after serving three years and nine months under Gen. Phil Sherman, with whom he marched to the Sea, he returned to Michigan to claim his bride.

Helen A. ANDREWS plighted her troth to the gallant young soldier, the marriage ceremony taking place at her parents' home near Durand, Michigan, Nov. 15, 1865, Rev. Edwin T. BRANCH, a Presbyerian clergyman officiated. The young married couple immediately took up a homestead at Berlin Center, Ionia County, where they lived through all their married life. To their union were born ten children, all of whom reached the goal of manhood and womanhood save one, Lena, the youngest daughter, who slipped away from the home nest and entered the Home Celestial.

June 20th, 1897, the next break in the family circle occurred when the faithful husband and father was called Home, after a companionship of forty years. On Jan. 6, 1919 the eldest daughter, Mrs. Ida SHERWOOD, joined the company in Heaven.
Mrs. MINOR remained on the farm until the fall of 1915, when she purchased her home in Saranac where she closed her earthly career. Remaining to mourn their loss are eight children: Mrs. Ella CARMAN of Berlin; Dr. Ernest B. MINOR of Traverse City; Mrs. Myrtle B. WALKER of Grand Rapids, Rev. Irving W. MINOR of Kalamazoo; Miss Clara B. MINOR who has remained the faithful companion of her mother until her death; Mrs. Etta L. MARTINEK and Mrs. Mary S. WHEELER of Traverse City; and Raymond R. MINOR of Saranac; twenty four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Mrs. MINOR remained in good health and enjoyed so much the family homecomings which occurred annually. The last reunion was held August 17, 1923, at the beautiful and Spacious summer home of Dr. and Mrs. E. B. MINOR at Long Lake, near Traverse City. Mother Minor greatly enjoyed the pastimes of her children who gathered together on this occasion. She remained with her children in the north for three delightful weeks returning to Saranac by auto.

Five weeks previous to her passing, she took to her bed and while hoping for her recovery yet patiently awaited the end. She suffered exceedingly yet never murmured. She grew old gracefully, the trials and burdens of life only sweetened her spirit.
In early life she was converted to God and espoused the cause of Christ. With her companion the family altar never ceased to be the regular custom of the home. Her hope grew brighter as the years sped by and prophecy was fulfilled in her life.

"At the evening time there shall be light." Passing out of the shadow Into the purer light; Stepping behind the curtain Getting a clearer sight. Laying aside the burden; This weary mortal coil Done with the world's vexations, Done with its tears and toil, Tired of all earth's playthings, Heartsick and ready to sleep, Ready to bid our friends farewell, Wondering why they weep. Passing out of the shadow Into eternal day; Why do we call it dying, This sweet going away?

The funeral service was held from the home in Saranac at three o'clock Sunday afternoon, Nov. 11, 1923. Mr. and Mrs. Earl ADGATE, of Ionia, oldtime friends of the family rendered beautiful music. The hymns used were "Sometime, Somewhere", and "It is Well With My Soul". Rev. John G. BIERY of the local M. E. church offered prayer full of comfort. Rev. I. W. MINOR of Kalamazoo, pastor of the Stockbridge M. E. church read his mother's favorite chapters, John 14 and 15. Rev. Harry E. WALKER, a son-in-law, spoke from John 17-24, "Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am."

Six of the grandsons tenderly bore the casket from the home to the place of interment and C. N. WEBB and Clark ROCKEFELLER of Grand Rapids sang, "The Silver Cord" at the grave. The large gathering of friends and neighbors and the beautiful floral offerings attested the affection and high esteem in which Mother MINOR was held.

CARD OF THANKS - We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the many expressions of love and sympathy extended to us during the illness and death of our dear mother. ~ The MINOR Family.


POTTERS CORNERS: Charles SPARKS has installed the Delco lights in his home and out buildings.
Sunday visitors at the CUTLER home were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. HOUSEMAN and family of Berlin, Mr.
     and Mrs. Harry TINGLEY of East Ionia, Mr. and Mrs. Ray DELINE of Belding, and Mr. and Mrs.
     Harry FASHBAUGH and family.
Visitors at the POTTERS Corner school Wednesday were Commissioner E. M. BRAKE, Miss Louise
     HALL, County Normal Principal; Miss SNELL and Miss MESSER, County Normal students, and
     Phyllis Jane JOHNSON.
Phlorus HALE has moved to Lansing.
Mrs. Addie LEE and Miss June GOODELL spent the week end at Lansing.
Mrs. Bessie CAHOON FENWICK and baby daughter, and Mrs. Laura McGINNIS and son, of Pontiac,
     returned to their home last Wednesday after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. SWEET
Mr. and Mrs. Willis WITT and grandson spent Sunday with Ronald relatives.
The MARBLE school enjoyed a marshmallow roast with pop corn and apples at their school last Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd SPARKS and Mrs. Eva HULL accompanied Gilbert HULL to Lake City to visit her
     brother, Riley, and wife before his departure for his home at Bruces Crossing. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
     HIGGINS stayed at the SPARKS home during their absence.
Lester HOPKINS spent Sunday in Lansing.
Robert SPARKS returned Saturday from his ranch at Alberta, Canada.
Clarence SELFRIED, O. J. BYRNES, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard BYRNES, Charles JOHNSON and Verne
     BOWEN left the latter part of last week to hunt deer near Kalkaska.
Walter HUBBARD and Fred WELCH of Jackson returned Friday from a week’s sojourn at Mr.
     HUBBARD’S farm near the Straits.
Mrs. Walter HUBBARD returned Sunday from a visit at Jackson.
Warren REED and family spent the week end at Mulliken.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. BENSON and son, Harold, Mrs. MILLER and daughter and friend, Mr. BARR, of
     Ionia, took Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. LEE.


Guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. BARBER Monday were Lyman BONNER of Grand Rapids, Mrs. Ethel PRYOR of Portland and J. L. WATSON of Jackson.


Last update October 20, 2021