The Advertiser
Saranac, Michigan
September 4, 1902
Transcribed by
LaVonne I. Bennett
THE ADVERTISER, Saranac, MI; September 4, 1902:
A very pretty little wedding took place Wednesday the 27th at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. O. A. GREENE of Hersey, when their daughter, Myrtle was united in
marriage to E. Bert POTTER of Grand Rapids, formerly of Saranac. The rooms were
tastefully decorated with wreaths of evergreen and pink and white sweetpeas. The
bridal pair were attended by Misses Iva and Hazael GREENE and Messrs. Ray MASON
and Leigh PROCTOR being sisters and cousins of the bride. Miss Nellie HOOVER
played the wedding march during which the couple took their places under a large
bell covered with pink and white flowers, where the ceremony was performed by
Rev. O. F. DaFOE, uncle to the bride. The bride was dressed in white lansdown
and carried pink and white roses. The bridesmaids were also dressed in white and
wore dainty bouquets of sweet peas, while the groom and groomsmen wore the
conventional black. Light refreshments were served, after which the bride donned
her travelling suit, the bridal pair were taken to Reed City where they took the
afternoon train for Saranac being there met by a large company of friends who
joined in giving hearty congratulations. From there they went to Grand Rapids
where they will make their future home. About thirty guests were present all
relatives except Miss Nellie Hoover of Kalkaska. Many beautiful as well as
useful presents were received from friends and relatives.
John O’BRIEN and family of Durand have been visiting his sister Mrs. James TOLES
the past week. Mr. O’BRIEN has held the position of station agent at Durand for
the past 20 years.
The Ping Pong set at Arnold’s goes to Walter C. Scott. There were 1982 corn and
beans in the bottle and his guess which was the nearest to the actual number.
The lowest guess was 121 and the highest 4,526,920.
Miss Carrie DENSMORE and Miss Mary OTIS have returned from Grand Rapids having
spent a few days looking over the new fall millinery and have selected several
handsome pattern hats.
Daniel UNGER and Mrs. Mary BAKER of Odessa have taken out a marriage license.
William LOW of Portland township is erecting a barn that is a curiosity. It will
be a round building
70 feet in diameter, basement posts 10 feet, main posts 20
feet and rafters 30 feet running to a
dome. The barn will be equipped with a row
of stalls around the outside, feeding to center, for
90 head of cattle. There
are only one or two of the kind in the country.
J. C. POST has moved to the BARBER house on Main street.
Mrs. C. E. CANRIGHT is visiting her son J. R. WALKER of Ionia.
Mrs. Heman DAWSON who has been in a very critical condition for some time is
Miss Ednah LEWIS left last Friday evening for Munising where she will teach the
coming year.
JONES & SON have sold their meat market to Wm. S. BENEDICT who will take
possession of
the same Sept. 15.
Mrs. C. E. DENSMORE and Mrs. E. I. ARNOLD were called to Belaire Monday by the
death of
the little son of C. E. DENSMORE, Jr.
Rev. Willard ALDRICH of Berlin conducted the quarterly meeting service at the M.
E. church
last Sunday. All enjoyed his fine discourse.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer ANDERSON and son, Hugh, Mrs. L. L. WINSLOW, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
CARR left for Petoskey Tuesday on the annual northern excursion.
A large stock barn on the A. VanVleck farm near Palo was burned Monday night ___
building and $1,000 contents insured in Farmers Mutual for $2200.
C. E. DENSMORE came back from Muskegon Monday, and did not hear of the death of
his little
grandson until he reached here. He went to Muir Tuesday to visit his
Edward ATKINS, of Berlin died Monday morning. He has been a resident of that
township for
nearly thirty years and was highly respected by all. He had been a
great sufferer for years. He
was about 62 years old. The funeral was held on
Wednesday from the M. E. church, Berlin
conducted by Rev. ALDRICH.
Dr. A. E. GESLER and Mrs. Helen BURBANK were married Monday Aug. 25, at the
of Mr. ADAMS, on Washington boulevard, Oak Park, Chicago, who is an
uncle of the bride.
Dr. GESLER is a resident of Saranac, where he enjoys an
extensive practice throughout the
western portion of Ionia county. The bride is
from Denver and is a lady of education and
culture, having had special
advantages of study and travel in this country and in Europe. –
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