Sebewa Recollector
Items of Genealogical Interest

Volume 10 Number 1
Transcribed by LaVonne I. Bennett

     LaVonne has received permission from Grayden Slowins to edit and submit Sebewa Recollector items of genealogical interest, from the beginning year of 1965 through current editions.

August 1974, Volume 10, Number 1; submitted with written permission of Editor Grayden D. Slowins:



The Annual Meeting of The Sebewa Center Association was held on schedule in June with a bounteous potluck dinner.  A program of singing led by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Speas and slides depicting activities of the community in earlier times provided the entertainment.  At the business meeting, Henry Smith, R 2, Lake Odessa Mi 48849 was elected secretary-treasurer for a three-year term and LaVern Carr was elected as a trustee for three years.


The list of officers for the 1974-75 year is as follows:

President                        John York

Vice President                Wesley Meyers

Secretary-Treasurer      Henry Smith

Trustees                          Mrs. Ilene Carr, LaVern Carr, Robert W. Gierman (retiring president) 


The cleaning of the Sebewa drainage ditches has been started.  Contracts for the job went to the lowest bidders, two local men—Larry Daniels and Keith Warner, whose respective low bids for different parts of the system were in the range of $12.00 per rd.


Deaths in the area since our last report have been those of Walter Warner, Herbert Seybold, Mrs. Gladah (Oliver, Blivens, and Mrs. Allyn (Florence) Goodemoot.


1974 may be remembered as the year of the rabbit.  Whatever it takes to bring forth a large rabbit population seems to have been in operation this year.  Rabbit hunters should be pleased with the prospects for a fall hunting season.

CENSUS.  In case we overdosed you with the 1880 census statistics last issue, only four pages are presented here with the balance to come later.  If you keep those bulletins in order, it may be more satisfactory to unstaple and place these later census names with the first group.

GROWTH (PROGRESS?) CATCHES UP WITH SEBEWA   By Grayden Slowins, Township Clerk

     For the first time since Sebewa was organized as a separate township by Act. No. 42 of the Michigan Legislature in the year 1845, the registered electors of this township will vote in two precincts beginning August 6.

     The first town meeting and elections was held in the home of Jacob Showerman and other locations were used down through the years until the Town Hall was built in 1899 and that has been used ever since.  Even when the population numbered 1600 in the 1880’s no one deemed it necessary to divide the load between two buildings.  Although the most distant resident would have had to travel six miles on foot or horseback, no one considered it a hardship, but rather a solemn duty and honor to cast his vote at elections.

     Distance is no longer a factor, but because someone might have to stand too long in line, the State has ruled that not over 400 voters may be served by one paper-ballot precinct.  So, beginning August 6, 1974, all voters living on the north side of Bippley Road will be in Precinct #2 and will vote in the old Sebewa Center Schoolhouse.  All of those people should have received a pink I.D. Postcard informing them of this new precinct.  Everyone south of Bippley Road will continue to vote in Precinct #1 at the Town Hall.  (Editor’s note:  Without women’s sufferage 1600 people may not have taxed the election facilities of one precinct.)


     In the early days of our local history, before funeral homes, embalming, qualified coroners and doctors were common, there sometimes was uncertainty about the actuality of death.  Locally Samuel Severance, who lived on Kimmel Road in section 17, Sebewa, was called in to prepare a body for burial.  One part of that ritual was placing pennies on the eyelids to assure they would remain closed at the time of the funeral.  Stories persist of failure to detect signs of life at the time of presumed death and signs of struggle at a later disinterment.  Usually the story was embellished with the retelling.

     From the PORTLAND OBSERVER of November 23, 1869 is one such story that may have accounted for some of the hair raising tales a generation or two later.  Here is the newspaper account:  About three weeks ago, Mrs. Fuller, wife of Dr. E. P. Fuller, living about two miles west of this village (Portland) was suddenly taken ill by violent purging and vomited while taking in an armful of wood from near the door.  The attack was so sudden and severe that it was with difficulty that she reached the door.  The illness was followed, we understand, by what the doctor called and treated as spinal meningitis or inflammation of the spine.

     She, however, recovered so far that her husband, the doctor, left home on Friday, the 4th inst., for the north part of Montcalm County to be absent several days.  Mrs. Fuller’s convalescence continued Friday and Saturday, she retiring to rest at an early hour on Saturday evening and slept well until about 11 PM, at which time she drank some nervine tea administered by a sister.  At three o’clock on Sunday morning she arose and almost immediately complained of severe pain in her back and fell and instantly expired.

    The neighbors came in with their kind offers of assistance and the corpse was laid out and arrayed in the cerements of the grave.  Dr. Fuller was sent for on Sunday morning and arrived as soon as possible on Tuesday.  The corpse did not, however, wear the appearance of death but rather of one taking rest in sleep.  A physician called on Sunday afternoon and found the lips of the corpse of a healthy color, ears of bright red and the body still warm though placed in a room where there was no fire.  There did not appear to be any stiffness of the limbs while the pupil of the eye was full and bright and the whole countenance wore the appearance of quiet sleep rather than that of one from whose clayey tenement whose spirit has passed away forever.

     On Monday forenoon two physicians saw the corpse, which still retained its remarkable appearance and on that afternoon they called into requisition the use of a galvanic battery, which produced some softening and a pliability of the muscles.  The lips, ears and eyes appeared as before and as bright as in life.  A pressure on the ear would cause the blood to recede to immediately return on the removal of the pressure.  A pressure on the external juglar vein would also produce the same result almost as quick as in life.  On holding the hand near the light there was that transparent appearance of the nails, which by the Paris College of Medicine is pronounced an infalliable presence of life.

    Dr. Fuller returned on Tuesday and on Wednesday at two PM the funeral was held at the M. E. Church at which time so strong was the doubt expressed by the people who attended consequent on the appearance of the corpse that as the subject was talked over in the evening, it was thought by many to be an absolute duty to make a further examination and if possible to call into activity the dormant energies of the buried one.

    Several physicians present coinciding with this view, a written statement with a request with an order for exhumation was presented to a Justice of the Peace, who issued the required order and the grave was opened about nine o’clock of the evening of the day of the burial and the coffin with its contents was removed to Atchley’s Hall, which had been prepared for its reception and where it was attended by physicians who opened the coffin and who, had there been any means possible to have brought about a resuscitation, would have afforded it.

     But the appearance had changed so materially since the same physician has seen her Monday, that now there was little doubt that death had occurred.  When exhumation was decided on, there was no opportunity to inform Dr. Fuller what was intended as he lives two miles distant and it was thought of pressing importance to lose no time in ascertaining the fact of existence of life.  He was, however, notified the next morning of the steps taken and was present until the final burial on that day after the physicians and others cognizant of the facts, had, by the process of decomposition, become certain of the hopelessness of any further efforts to restore life.

     We understand that Dr. Fuller expressed his willingness that the examination should be had and the excitement allayed, only regretting that he was not present when the coffin was disinterred.


From the LAKE ODESSA WAVE of 1891:

     It seems funny there is a class of beings who, when for something you have said in your paper that slightly displeases them, immediately stop their paper, at once get the hallucination in their minds that they have broken a bed slat in your prosperity, wounded your feelings to such an extent that you are no longer fit for business; they borrow their neighbor’s paper and scan the columns to see if they find any notice of the burial of your feelings and at the same time read the rest of the news and finally when they get in such a habit of borrowing their neighbor’s paper that it becomes such a nuisance that all the neighbors shut down on it they come and say they guessed they will sign for it again.

    August 12, 1915 mild mannered Frank Merrit put his problem this way:  The publisher will deem it a great favor if subscribers will consult the label on their paper and determine whether they are in the arrears.  Those who find themselves owing for the SENTINEL will be doing the publisher a great kindness if they will send or bring their remittances to this office without making it necessary to mail statements.

     Mr. Griswold of THE PORTLAND OBSERVER said plainly that it is:  A SERIOUS MATTER.  July 13, 1922.

     This week we have been sending out annual statements to our subscribers and are surprised at the amount of money a publisher of a weekly paper can keep tied up in his subscription list.  In a majority of cases the amount is not large but the several hundred, who are in arrears totals up to a mighty nice sum.  This is money we need in our business and sincerely hope that our patrons will take the matter seriously and respond with these three beautiful words, “enclosed find check”.  It will take several days yet to go over our entire list so if you are one of those who have not yet received a statement, it will not be necessary to wait but just look at the date on the label of your paper and figure it out for yourself and save us the expense and trouble of the notices.  We can assure our subscribers it will be appreciated.

     CURRENTLY we have from THE LAKE ODESSA WAVE this NOTICE:  Due to the increase in postage, our subscribers will receive only one notice in regards to their subscription renewal.  Subscriptions will be discontinued 2 weeks after renewal notice is sent out.

     ALL OF WHICH BRINGS US TO OUR OWN LITTLE STORY SUNG TO MUCH THE SAME TUNE.  Last year we had 360 paid memberships in THE SEBEWA CENTER ASSOCIATION and it is to those members THE SEBEWA RECOLLECTOR is mailed.  Our fiscal year runs from June to June.  To date 132 have paid dues for 1974-75.  Everybody knows you cannot spend $1.10 to collect $1.00 and stay solvent.  Thus we are here urging all who have not paid the 1974-75 $1.00 per person dues to send them promptly to our new treasurer, Mr. Henry Smith, R 2, Lake Odesssa, MI 48849 without any further tickling in these pages.  Our thanks for reading the commercial.


Back issues of THE SEBEWA RECOLLECTOR are available at the rate of $1 per year or $9.00 for the total publication of the past nine years. 

SUNFIELD TOWNSHIP 1842-1874 By Edith M. Berg, Sunfield Historian    Sunfield Historical Society Print

     Reading the names in the Sunfield telephone book today is almost like calling the roll of our early settlers:  Barnum, Bishop, Bosworth, Burns, Dow, Figg, Hager, Knapp, Smith, VanHouten, Welch and many more.  Still others are related to pioneers who bore the names of Chatfield, Brown, Dilley and others.  The list is endless.  First names such as Ezekiel, Josiah, Abram, Ezra, Willis and Cornelius have given way to more modern names like Jakc, Max, Gary, Brad, Ron, Roy and Bob, but families remain essentially much as they were 132 years ago.

     The story of Sunfield has been documented briefly by various historians who included it in histories of Eaton County.  Our library has these works, and many of you may have read them.  So, except for a few pertinent repetitions, you might be interested in learning some of the lesser known things about Sunfield.

     An act of the State Legislature, passed February 15, 1842, divided Vermontville Township to create a new township, named Sunfield.  The boundaries were surveyed by Lucius Lyon, and the sections by Orange Risdon.  After the organizational meeting held April 4, 1842, the officers met with those of Vermontville to divide the assets and liabilities they had mutually owned when they were all one township.  Among items to be divided were such things as ballot boxes, (Vermontville 3, Sunfield 2), books and paper for keeping records, and the cash assets.  The funds were largely in the form of state scrip, and notes on various banks.  Many of these banks were wildcat banks, many of which failed as quickly as had sprung up.  Sunfield was given a note on the Bank of Michigan for $3.00, and one on the Bank of Allegan for $1.00.  These soon proved worthless, and $204.00 due Sunfield in state road monies, was slow in being released from the Vermontville treasury.  Sunfield was in dire need of funds, as there was nothing here but forests, wild animals, and Indians; also somewhat wild!  Therefore, in February 1844 the Supervisor, George Andrews, and the Treasurer, Edward O. Smith went to Vermontville to examine the records, and to take whatever steps they deemed necessary to recover the money.  Apparently it ended in a lawsuit, which cost Sunfield about $12.00 in court and witness fees.  I have been unable to learn the exact outcome of the suit, except that Sunfield did receive some, if not all of the funds. 

     I must assume there was not too much bitterness over this action, because Sunfield and Vermontville are still on speaking terms.

     Although quite a few of the first settlers were illiterate, they were much concerned that their children should learn and at the second township meeting on May 7, 1842, the first order of business was to establish a school district which comprised most of the area south of Mt. Hope Hwy.  The school was first taught by Mrs. George Andrews in her home on the N.W. corner of Bismark and Round Lake Roads.  In 1844 a log schoolhouse was built on Round Lake Road, just south of Bismark Hwy.  This was used until 1851, and was called the Andrews School.  A new frame schoolhouse was built on Bismark Hwy in 1851, and with the settlement of that area, it was renamed the Bismark School.  Early teachers were Catherine Loomis, 1861; Maria Lamb in 1862; and Phoebe Cooper and Carrie Hyde in 1863.

     Education has always been a prime concern to the people of Sunfield, and by 1871 there were 6 Sunfield school districts and 4 fractional districts with other townships.  The districts were:  No. 1, Bismark School; No. 2 on M 43, Figg; No. 5, St. Joe and Ionia Rds., Hunter; No. 6, St. Joe west of Sunfield Hwy, Hoover.  The fractional districts were:  No. 1, Sunfield and Roxand, Dow School; No. 2, Sunfield and Vermontville, Brick School in Vermontville Township; No. 3, Sunfield and Woodland, Loomis School; and No. 4 Sunfield, Roxand and Chester, Prindle School in Chester Township.  Note:  present day road names are used in locating school sites.

     The Sunfield pioneers settled first in the south part of the township.  This was natural as many of them came from Vermontville and other counties south of us.  The first settler, S. S. Hoyt, built the first house in the township—a log cabin on section 26, just east of the NE intersection of Brown Rd. and Bismark Hwy., in 1836.  If you look there today, you can still see the lilac bushes and some maple trees he set out.  Later the same year he was followed by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kinne.  Mr. Kinne ventured farther north, settling on section 21.  His wife died in the winter of that same year and he followed in 1838.  Theirs were the first deaths in the township.

     As land was cleared, more settlers came.  From 1845 to 1854 the population doubled; (112-224).  From then on, growth was steady, rising to 1,595 in 1880.  With more people came more problems.  People complained about mud in summer and snow-clogged roads in winter—much as today!  Solving the problems took money.  In 1847 the total township expenses were $58.44, which was a great deal of money in those days.  About this time the State began passing laws that affected the local governments, such as the first law regulating the sale of spirits.  This law stipulated that each township must appoint an agent to purchase liquor for resale to the inhabitants.  It went into effect on April 7, 1854, and on and after that date everyone had to buy their “snake bite remedy” from John Dow.

     The 1860’s was a time of great growth, despite the Civil War.  Many issues appeared on local ballots; such as, in April 1863, they voted to raise bounty money, by taxation, to pay each volunteer $100.00.  In 1866 came the question of financial aid to railroads, and taxes to erect a courthouse in Charlotte.  The Civil War era was a time of great depression, and the voters were forced to vote against raising taxes for these things; although when times got better they did raise their share for those improvements.

     The Sunfield census, taken by John Dow in 1874, is a very interesting document.  This was the State census, and unlike the Federal census, it lists only males over age 21 by name.  Women and children were merely counted, along with mules, horses, pigs, oxen, cows and sheep.  Indians were not counted at all!  The population was 1,248, divided as follows:  Males 21-45 years, 227; 45-75 years, 97 for a total of 324.  Of these, 66 were single, 247 married and 11 were widowed or divorced.  Males 20-21 years, 154.  Of those 42 were single, 252 married and 33 widowed or divorced.  Females 10-18 years 108; 5-10 years 68 and under 5 years 100.

     The men were all farmers, with the following exceptions:  Granger 1, Carpenters 5, Merchants 6, Cheesemaker 1, Doctors 2, Peddler 1, Blacksmiths 4, Sawmill Owner 1 and Sawyers 3.  1,300,000 feet of lumber was sawed in 1874, 6,487 pounds of wool was sheared, 45,172 lbs. of pork was marketed.  27,558 lbs of cheese and 55,255 lbs of butter were made.  Grain raised in bushels of apples, 6 bushels of pears, 5 ½ bushels of plums, 83 bushels of cherries and 102 bushels of currants and gooseberries.  685 pounds of fruit dried for market, and 87 barrels of cider was made.  They made 100,003 pounds of maple syrup, cut 1,462 tons of hay and dug 1,649 bushels of potatoes.  These products represented untold hours of back-breaking labor, as modern farm machinery was then hardly a dream in the minds of the inventors.

     The pioneers of Sunfield Township were people of physical and moral strength, while they fell short (of necessity) in some of the refinements and niceties of life, they were long in the stuff of which men and women are made.  They defied danger and hardship, they labored and raised their families against almost insurmountable odds; they overcame illiteracy and poverty and carved out of this wilderness a heritage for their children.  Those who are descended from these pioneers have a background you can be proud of and a duty to uphold.

     This paper was given by its author, before the Sunfield Historical Society in April 1974.



 ALLEN, ROSELLA H.  45, OH PA PA, Della B. (niece) 18, MI NY OH, Merrit 16, MI NY OH, Ora C.  11, MI NY OH; YOUNGS, Anna  56, OH NY NY.

 READ, WM. H.  48, NY NY NY, MINERVA 42, NY NY NY, Willy L.  13, MI NY NY, Nora A.  11, MI NY NY, Gertie M.  9, MI NY NY, Helen M.  7, MI NY NY.

 INGALLS, HALL J.  39, MA NH NH, HELEN J.  34, S S E, H, Jonas (bro.)  35, OH PA PA, Phoebe (sister), 44, PA PA PA, PARKS, Phoebe (Nie.)  6, MI C PA, Hunt, John  3, MI C PA

 PARMETER, PETER B.  54, NY NY NY, MELISSA  49, NY NY NY, Lansing H.  10, MI NY NY, Levert  5, MI NY NY, Evia  5, MI NY NY, Elsa A.  3, MI NY NY

 WHORLEY, OSCAR C.  25, C E C, Dinia  25, PA PA PA, Louie E.  3, MI OH PA, STRAPLES, JULIUS J.  25, G G G, Mariah (sister)  17, G G G.

 KENYON, FRANCIS  33, NY RI NY, MARGARET 25, NY NY NY, Martie L.  2, MI NY NY, Enoch A.  8/12, MI NY NY

 BELCHER, HIRAM  33, NY PA WALES, JULIA A.  43, MI NY E, Rosetta C.  11, MI NY MI, Hattie P.  9, MI NY MI.

 SINDLINGER, CHRISTIAN  52, G G G, ELIZABETH  41, G G G, Mary E.  11, MI G G, Minnie 8, MI G G, Lydia 5, MI G G.

 BROWN, MARYLAND  36, OH OH NY, SEVERANCE, MARY  53, NY VT C, Brown, Loretta  26, OH OH NY, Myrtie  1, MI NY OH.

 GUNN, THODORE  27, PA NY NJ, ELIZABETH  21, OH PA PA, Loreno  5, MI PA OH, Minia  5, MI PA OH, Agnes  2, MI PA OH, Parley  3/12  MI PA OH.


 SEVERANCE, Samuel  51, OH, MA, C.


 FERRIL, AN?  58, I I I, ANNE E.  20, NY I I.

 JOHNSON, JOHN  57, C C C, MELINDA 54, NY NY CT, Wm. H.  23, MI C NY, John D.  18, MI C NY, Chas. F.  16, MI C NY, Isaac  15, MI C NY, Eugene E.  13, MI C NY, Juliet  12, MI C NY.

 ARNOLD, ASA  42, C NY NY, ROSETTE 42, MI NY NY, William 14, MI C MI, Anna 12, MI C MI, Wilbur  10, MI C MI, Rosa  6, MI C MI, Daisy  4, MI C MI, Eddie  1,  MI C MI, Eda  1, MI C MI.

 SOULE, DAVID B.  AGE ?; NY CT RI, MARIAH H.  56, NY VT CT, Oscar L.  21, MI NY NY, Jennie  14, MI NY MI.

 SOULE, HENRY A.  30, NY NY NY, EMMA J.  28, MI NY MI, Carrie B.  6, MI NY MI.

 JOHNSON, ADELBERT  25, NY C NY, EMMA J.  20, NY NY NY, Baby girl  1/12  MI NY MI.

 COLLINGHAM, JACOB  56, PA PA PA, LUCY  45, OH PA NY, Harriet E.  22, MI PA OH.

 HOLLENBECK, GEORGE  67, OH PA PA, RUTH  37, NY NY NY, George L.  13, OH OH NY, Viola J.  11, MI OH NY, Wallace R.  5, MI OH NY.

 BENSCHOOTER, OLIVER  46, OH NY NY, MARY M.  37, OH OH S, Ida M.  14, MI OH OH, John M.  6, MI OH OH.

 WILCOX, HOPSON  49, NY NY NY, SOPHIA, 36, NY C NY, Fred E.  8, MI NY NY, Frank E.  8, MI NY NY

 PROBASCO, ETHRIAM  51,  NJ NY NJ, EMFYE (sp. ?)  49, NY NY NY, Allie M.  24, MI NJ NY, Anna M.  18, MI NJ NY, Carr, Henry (serv.)  49, OH OH OH.

 BENSCHOOTER, GEORGE  52, OH NY NY, MARY W.  42, OH PA PA, Harvey L.  17, MI OH OH, Diana (grandma)  84, NY VT VT.

 HIGH, GEORGE C.  31, OH VT MD, Mahaila M.  28, OH PA VT, Nellie  3, MI OH OH, Miller, Lafett (servant)  33, OH OH OH.

 BIGHAM, SAMUEL  50, MD MD MD, MORIAH  43, NY MA NY, Mary A.  11, bpl MI IN PA, Combes, Minnie  6, NY NY IN, Combes, Ruth (Gran)  69, NY NY NY, Smith, Lafayette, 17, OH PA NY, Lowe, Benjamin  18, MI E S.

 STEBBINS, OREN  54, NY MA MA, MARY P.  46 OH NJ NJ, Morgan, Alexander  30, OH S MS, Addie  24, MI NY PA.

 HIAR, ROYAL  56, OH S S, BETSY A.  43,  NY NY NY, Frank  14, NY MI NY, Fred  4, MI OH NY.

 CLUTE, 24  ;NY PA NY, MARY  24, MI NY NY, Edda A.  3, MI NY MI, Jacob  1, MI NY MI; Congleton, Frank  20, NY NY MA, Sarah  21, MI E OH.

 BRETZ, ISAAC  54, OH PA VA, ELIZA A.  50, OH VA VA, Docia E.  18,  MI OH OH, Jay  10, MI OH OH.

 Congleton, Ernest  2, MI NY C.


 DAVIS, JAMES  58, PA PA Wales, HARRIETT  46, OH NY NY, Georgia A.  22, OH PA OH, Dell H.  19, MI PA OH, Bell H.  19, MI PA OH, Busler, William (son-in-law) 20, IN PA PA, Shay, Jesse (Grandson) 9, MI OH OH, Shay, Jimmie (Grandson)  5, MI OH OH.

 GREINER, PETER  54, G G G, CHRISTINA  47  OH G G, Nettie  21, OH G OH, Otis  17, MI G OH, Hilda  14,  MI G OH, Willie  9, MI G OH, Estella  5, MI G OH.

 PROBASCO, BENJAMIN  47, NJ NJ NJ, MARY J.  41, NY NY NY, Grace E.  16, MI NJ NY, Eva M.  9, MI NJ NY, Eugene J.  19, MI NJ NY, Adelbert I.  14, MI NJ NY.

 SHIPMAN, WILLIAM H.  57, PA NJ PA, ANGERONA  51,  NY VT VT, Emily  25, MI PA NY, JOHN  19, MI PA NY, Charles  15, MI PA NY.

 HAMMOND, JOSEPH B.  34, NY NY NY, (harnessmaker), MARY H.  34, NY NY NY, Stephen (father)  62, NJ NJ NJ, Arthur  12, MI NJ NY, Homer B.  8, MI NJ NY.

SHOWERMAN, LUCIUS E.  57, NY NY - , LOUISE  38 MI NY NY, Frank  12, MI NY MI, Ezzie  6, MI NY MI.

 CASWELL, HENRY  42, NY NY NY, ERNESTINE  34, MA MA MA, Willie W.  15, MI NY MA, Emma. E.  13, MI NY MA, Hattie E.  11, MI NY MA, Mary D.  9, MI NY MA, Harvey H.  6, MI NY MA.

 GUNN, THEODORE  47, NJ NJ NJ, AMELIA  47, PA PA PA, David H.  25, OH NJ PA, Mary E.  24, MI NJ PA, Jacob E. 22,   MI NJ PA, Isaac M.  21, MI NJ PA, George W.  18, MI NJ PA, Margaret  16, MI NJ PA, Emory W.  15, MI NJ PA, Ella H.  13, MI NJ PA, TREAT, Elizabeth (sister)  65, NJ NJ NJ.

 YEAGER, JACOB  46, G G G; LUCY P.  42, OH NY NY, Eddie  13, MI G OH, Millie M.  6, MI G OH, Lodia E.  2/12, MI G OH, WADDELL, Harriet, 75, (to keep),  E E E.

 BRITTEN, JACOB  39, NY NY NY, MARIA A.  35, OH PA OH, Mattie E.  12, MI NY OH, Katie A.  10, MI NY OH, Peter P.  8, MI NY OH, Fred H.  7, MI NY OH.

 ARNOLD, PETER  32. ME ME ME, ELLA M.  31  NY NY RI, William H. 13, MI ME NY, Delbert  1, MI ME NY, ESTELLE  6/12  MI ME NY. 

GUNN, JOSHUA  43, NY PA NJ, RACHEL  39, MI NY NY, Rosetta  9, MI NJ MI, Fred J.  6, MI NJ MI, Sherby  3, MI NJ MI, SAYER, Jacob (servant)  21, MI G G, WILSON, Clark  22, PA PA PA, GIERMAN, Charles  26  G G G; Christina, 23, G G G. 

SMITH, FRANK C.  41, OH NY NY, ALICE A.  30, OH VT NY, Cola B.  11, MI OH OH, Allen, Ora  9, MI OH OH, Maud M.  MI OH OH, Claude E.  MI OH OH.

 GIERMAN, FRED  35, SW SW SW; MINNIE  25, NY G G, Alma  5, MI SW NY, Emma  4, MI SW NY; Hunt, Edward (servant)  13, MI NY PA, LUSCHER, JACOB (cabinet maker)  72  SW SW SW.

 EARTHMAN, CHAS.  29, G G G, VIOLA D.  23, PA PA VT, Daisy E.  2, MI G VT.

 SMITH, JOSIAH  52, OH NY NY, MARGARET  35, PA PA PA, Minnie  12, MI OH PA, Charles 4, MI OH PA, Iva  5/12, MI OH PA.

 REEDER, WESLEY  41, NY NJ NY, Smith, Hanna A.  26, NY NY NY.

 STAMBAUGH, DANIEL  28, PA PA PA, ROSA R.  14, IN OH OH, John H. 22, PA PA PA, Fennett, Jennie (Serv.) 13, OH NY PA.

 ROSS, WILLIAM  31, C S -; AMANDA L.  27 OH G OH, Elizabeth (mother)  56, OH G G, Cora  6, MI C OH, Edwin J.  4, MI C OH, Ira  1, MI C OH.

 GUNN, DUMAS  36, PA NJ NJ, HATTIE C.  30, OH NJ PA; Charlie 1, MI PA OH.

 PRIESTMAN, WILLIAM  38, NY E E, HARRIET  35,  OH NY NY, Charlotte  7, MI E OH, Nora  10/12  MI E OH.

 GUNN, SAMUEL  54, NJ NJ NJ, Caroline  56, NJ NJ NJ, Joshua  22, MI NJ NJ, John  20, MI NJ NJ.

 VANHOUTEN, JOHN J.  24, MI NJ NY, AMANDA  23, OH OH OH, Barney  8/12, MI MI OH.

 BRANDAL, JOHN JR.  42, OH PA PA, CATHERINE  37, OH PA PA, Adeline  16, IN OH OH, Rebecca  13, IN OH OH, Hannah A.  10, IN OH OH, Hannah E.  10, IN OH OH, Cassius L.  8, IN OH OH, Laurie J.  6, MI OH OH, Ida M.  1, MI OH OH, John (Grandfather)  PA PA PA.

 HIGH, JOHN  33, OH VA MD, Anna  27, IN E E, Heintzelman, Wm.  25, OH PA OH, Brandal Eli (worker) 33,  OH PA PA.

 KIMBALL, ANDREW  64,  G G G, CATHERINE  44, G G G, Joseph  20, MI G G, Robert  18, MI G G, Gertrude  15, MI G G, Anna  12, MI G G, Barbara  12, MI G G, Phillip  10, MI G G, William  7, MI G G, Frances  4, MI G G.

 VANHOUTEN, JOHN  66, NJ NJ NJ, BETSEY A.  53,  NY NY NY, George W.  19, MI NJ NY, Daniel 17, MI NJ NY, Reuben E.  14, MI NJ NJ, Frank E.  10, MI NJ NJ

 LAPO, JACOB  46, MD MD MD, SARAH B.  42, MD MD MD, George H.  20, OH MD MD, Charlie A.  17 OH MD MD.


 BRADEN, SAMUEL R.  21, FRANKA A.  19, MI C C, Jennie M.  5, MI OH MI

 COLLIER, JOHN W.  38, E E E, CAROLINE F.  36, OH G G, Loretta L.  11, MI E OH, ORA J.  1, MI E OH.

 McCAUSEY, JAMES M.  29,  NY NY NY, LOVINA (mother), 62, NY MA CT, CLARK, JOSIAH O.  52, NY NY NY, ANNA  47, NY NY NY, Elmer  12, MI NY NY, Effie  7, MI NY NY, Arthur  21, MI NY NY.


 FENDER, ADAM  45, OH G OH, LOUISA, 26  OH G PA, Cora  4, MI OH OH, Warren P.  1,  MI OH OH, Gilson, Frances L.  15, (servant), MI NY E.

 LEAK, ELIJAH  57, E E E, SARAH  45, E E E, Gerald O.  16, C E C, Elvira E.  6, MI E E, Braden, James A.  22, OH OH OH (son-in-law) 22, OH OH OH. Sarah A. 18  C OH OH.


CENSUS.  In case we overdosed you with the 1880 census statistics last issue, only four pages are presented here with the balance to come later.  If you keep those bulletins in order, it may be more satisfactory to unstaple and place these later census names with the first group.

 FROM:  The Sebewa Recollector, Robert W. Gierman, Editor, R 1, Portland, Michigan  48875


Last update October 20, 2021