Sebewa Recollector
RECOLLECTOR Newsletter from Sebewa; Sebewa Township, Ionia County, MI.
SURNAMES: SHAY, BENSCHOTER, VAN BENSCHOTEN, DUNCAN, SNYDER, BRADLEY, QUACKENBOSS, PROBASCO, O’MARA, SHOEMAKER, McCAUL, McKENNA, GOODMAN, CSONKA, HUBBARD, HICKEY, ENDRES, STEINBERG, SCHNABEL, PIERCEFIELD, GREEN, RICHARDSON, PEPPER, KING, KINSMAN, VanHOUTEN, WATERS, CAITLIN, KAMP, STOEL, TERPSTRA, SMITH, DUITS, PLOMP, PLAKMEYER, LEIK RECENT DEATHS: ROBERT NORTON BENSCHOTER, 82, widower of Lonnie (Bea) BENSCHOTER, brother of Mary Lou DUNCAN, James BENSCHOTER and the late Donald BENSCHOTER, Jr., son of Winnie Belle SNYDER & Donald A. BENSCHOTER, son of Bertella BRADLEY & John M. BENSCHOTER, son of Mary M. & Oliver P. BENSCHOTER, son of Diana & Cornelius Van BENSCHOTEN. Winnie was daughter of Eva M. PROBASCO & Henry P. SNYDER, son of Mary C. & George W. SNYDER. Eva was daughter of Dora B. QUACKENBOSS & Benjamin PROBASCO, Sr., son of Mary S. & Jacob PROBASCO, Sr. Bertella was daughter of Mary A. & John M. BRADLEY. All these families settled in Sebewa Township before 1860, and Don & Winnie used two flats of pansies every Memorial Day just for close relatives. Robert Norton served in the U.S. ARMY in WWII and later lived in Texas. Buried in East Sebewa Cemetery. THOMAS STEPHEN O’MARA, 83, husband of Norma Louise SHOEMAKER McCAUL O’MARA, father of Onnette McKENNA, Colleen GOODMAN, David, Phillip, Patrick, Robert, Stephen, and Thomas O’MARA and the late Susan CSONKA, brother of Marie O’MARA, Pauline HUBBARD, Rosemary HICKEY, Eugene O’MARA, and the late Lawrence O’MARA, son of Emma ENDRES & Frank Roman O’MARA, son of John O’MARA & Pauline STEINBERG, daughter of August STEINBERG & Rosanna SCHNABEL, daughter of Anton & Regina SCHNABEL. Tom served in WW II, worked at Scheidt’s Hardware in Lake Odessa, Chrysler Trim Plant in Lyons, and his son Phil’s Plumbing, Heating and Hardware business in Ionia. NORMAN A. PIERCEFIELD, 79, husband of June SCHNABEL PIERCEFIELD, father of Lucinda GREEN, Edward and Gary PIERCEFIELD, brother of the late Pearl RICHARDSON, Gordon PIERCEFIELD, LeRoy PIERCEFIELD, Wanda PEPPER, June McCAUL, Wayne PIERCEFIELD, Jerry PIERCEFIELD, Janet KING, Bonnie KINSMAN, Patricia VanHOUTEN, Wilma WATERS, and James PIERCEFIELD, son of Thelma CAITLIN & William PIERCEFIELD. Norm sold cars and farm machinery, retired from 22 years at Oldsmobile, spent much of summers at their cottage on the island of Lobdell Lake, near Argentine & Fenton, MI, where he was president of the Association for 32 years, and spent winters in Florida. Buried in East Sebewa Cemetery. CLARA KAMP STOEL, age 85, & JEROLD STOEL, age 82, died 7 days apart, he first. Parents of an infant daughter Patricia, and Shirley TERPSTRA, Gene STOEL, Jim STOEL, Kathy SMITH, Ken STOEL, and Anita DUITS. JEROLD was preceded in death by three brothers and was son of Sadie PLAKMEYER & Louis STOEL. Clara was preceded in death by two brothers and was daughter of Wilhelmina PLOMP & John KAMP. He served in the Air Force in WW II, and was a farmer, carpenter and school bus driver for the Lakewood School District. They are buried in East Sebewa Cemetery. LEIK FAMILY UPDATE: Ed LEIK has purchased the George-Floyd-Gordon EVANS farm on Emery Road in Danby Township, but will not be turning his hand to the plow. In fact that recently remodeled house is for sale. The EVANS and connected GIBBS families are two of the oldest in Sebewa. See Volume 24, Numbers 1-2-3-5, 1988-1989, for the EVANS story. See elsewhere in this issue for Ed LEIK’S life story. RETIRES AFTER 19,000 HRS IN COCKPIT: UPS Captain Ed LEIK ended a 38-year career in military and commercial aviation with a last time at the controls on a March 8th flight between Houston and Dallas, a day before his 60th birthday and mandatory retirement. Ed is a 1964 graduate of St. Pat’s and earned an MSU degree in 1968 as well as a pilot’s license in the Air Force ROTC. He then spent a year at Williams AFB, AZ, flying various jet trainers and thereafter was assigned to the C-141 transport which he flew from McGuire AFT, NJ to Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia, including many missions to Vietnam. Ed joined Eastern Airlines in 1973 flying out of New York and Miami to cities in the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean. He left Eastern Airlines to join UPS in 1998 shortly before Eastern’s demise. He has been flying as a captain at UPS since 1990. In commercial aviation Ed has flown the Boeing 727, the Boeing 747 and the Airbus A-300. He has also piloted executive jets. After 5-years of active duty in the US Air Force, Ed then served with the Air Force Reserve C-141 squadron in Charleston, SC for 17 years, retiring in 1989 with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Ed estimates that he has had 19,000 hours in the cockpit (equivalent to eight hours daily for 6.5 years) since flying a Piper Cub at Michigan State and has traveled to all the continents including missions between New Zealand and McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. His UPS flights have been within the continental U. S. Asia and Europe. Ed and the former Maria CODINA have two daughters, Maryfaye and Christina, and plan to divide their time between their home in South Florida and the family farm at Portland. Ed says his retirement will be focused on new adventures—travel, tree planting and other pursuits. As Captain LEIK reflects on his career, he states that “it has been my privilege to serve in the US Air Force on behalf of our country”. Furthermore, he says the Air Force experience allowed him to pursue a rewarding career that was always exciting and enjoyable. EPHRAIM SHAY’S DIARY 1861-1863 Continued Monday, March 25th, made sugar, a thunder shower came over, the first of the season. Tuesday 26th – at work all day in sugar bush. Wednesday 27th – made some sugar – rainy. Thursday 28th – at work in sugar bush – rainy. Friday 29th – snowy in morning – gathered some sap and made sugar. Saturday 30th – worked in sugar bush. Sunday 31st – staid with Uncle Eph all day. Monday April 1st – making sugar. Tuesday 2nd – making sugar. Wednesday 3rd – making sugar. Thursday 4th – making sugar. Friday 5th – warm day but sap run but little. I went over to Uncle Ben’s bush and shot at a mark with him and Mr. SHOWERMAN. I beat. Saturday 6th – no sugar weather forenoon, went to the P.E. Afternoon with Uncle Ben went on a little scout through the north woods, saw three deer but shot none. Sunday 7th – staid with Uncle Eph all day. Monday 8th – Father and family arrived in Sebewa. I was very much pleased to see them. Father seemed in good spirits. Tuesday 9th –visiting – no sap weather. Wednesday 10th – killed a few squirrels and viewed some land. Thursday 11th – viewed land. Friday 12th – boiled some sap for vinegar – shot at a mark with Uncle Ben, nearly tie, a little in my favor. Saturday 13th – staid to Uncle Eph’s to be present to the school teacher’s examination. Priscilla (his sister) was examined and got a certificate. No other certificates given. Sunday 14th – Father came to Sebewa with Grandma (Mary PROBASCO) and Aunt Jane and George. Mr. CERLEDGE fetched them up. I had to deliver my sugar on the 15th and as Uncle Eph did not want to take it down, I put it in with Mr. CERLEDGE and paid him for taking it to Muir, and I went along. Uncle Henry’s folk were abed when I got there, so I staid at the tavern. Monday 15th – delivered my sugar neatly packaged at the depot according to my agreement with Mr. RICHARDS. Only had 240 lbs, was to deliver 300 but did not have it made. I then viewed some land N.E. of town, in afternoon returned to Sebewa. Tuesday 16th – staid with Uncle Eph in forenoon. Afternoon went with Uncle Ben to see some men about building an addition to his house, on the way saw a few deer. Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th – made vinegar. Friday 19th – viewed some land in the north woods. Saturday 20th – in forenoon made vinegar, afternoon went to help Mr. STEBBINS raise a barn. Sunday 21st – staid until noon with Uncle Eph, in afternoon staid with Uncle Ben. Monday 22nd – made some vinegar, commenced to scald my buckets. Tuesday 23rd – stored my buckets, packed my trunk and went to Muir with Uncle Ben, took a stroll and viewed some land N.E. of Muir, thought the soil was too sandy, afternoon viewed the steam saw mill. Wednesday 24th – went over to Lyons in forenoon. 4:20 PM took the cars for Grand Rapids to get a situation as a machinist, retired at 8 o’clock. Thursday 25th – applied for a situation, all business too dull. Friday 26th – an officer wanted me to enlist – I saw his Co. drill. Saturday 27th – at 9:10 left for Muir, arrived at 11:20 AM. Afternoon attended a meeting to raise recruits – I enlisted for three months. Sunday 28th – attended church in Muir, staid with Father. Monday 29th – met the do. In Lyons, we endeavored to elect officers but failed, the Muir boys went home thinking to join the Ionia Co. But shortly the Lyons chaps came over, came to terms, and we elected an excellent Captain, not so good 1st Lieut. Tuesday April 30th – at 9 o’clock met the Co. in Lyons, drilled until 1:00. At 2:00 met and drilled until half past four. Wednesday May 1st drilled. Thursday 2nd drilled, Friday 3rd drilled. Saturday 4th drilled in forenoon, afternoon we was presented with a flag then marched to Muir. Elder ERRETT made a speech – then friends bade adiew – much feeling exhibited – took cars to G. Rapids, went to hall, from there to hotel, staid all night. Sunday 5th – marched up to Fair Grounds and went into quarters – it rained some in afternoon. I found a pile of straw which I made my bed. Jacob (Uncle Henry PROBASCO’S son) was my bedfellow – it was my first experience as a soldier. Monday 6th awoke in good spirits – drilled in morning. During the day wrote two letters, one to Priscilla and one to Cousin Sarah. Tuesday 7th – drilled until 9 o’clock went to stand guard. Wednesday 8th discharged from guard duty at 10:00 AM. Was just getting around to go to town when a Telegram dispatch came to hand that Father was dying. I hasted with speed to the Depot but the train had left. I telegraphed to know how he was at 12 o’clock. Answer “The doctor says he cannot live”. The news was so sudden and unexpected, I felt as if I was dreaming. I could not realize the awful fact that my father was dying. I staid at the Depot all day waiting for some passing train, at 10 o’clock left for Muir. Engine broke down and had to return. Thursday 9th – at 4 A.M. got started and arrived in Muir at 7 A.M. I got out of the cars, looked up the hill, hardly dared to hear the result. Met Delia (his mother’s youngest sister, Melissa Cordielye PROBASCO, was only four years older than him). She said Father was dead. I seemed to be dreaming, so sudden was the news. I went to his room. Met Aunt – I felt choked, could not speak. Aunt uncovered his face, which looked as calm as if he was sleeping. But taking the cloth from his forehead disclosed a frightful wound. Oh such feelings as I experienced standing before my father’s corpse. I had but a few days before left him in sorrow, thinking that my return was doubtful. I was starting with many chances of being killed. He stayed at home in peace, but how widely different the result. I am summoned beside his corpse instead of his being called to receive mine. While still looking at him little Arty and Velma came in. Too young to value their loss, they commenced to tell me how “The mill hurt Pa” but seemed to think he would soon wake up. Arty went to his feet and touched them exclaiming “Poor Pa” “Poor Pa”. I then left the room and going in bedroom I gave full vent to my feelings. I began to realize my loss. In a land of strangers without a father to guide and counsel me, my mother left with a large family, just having moved to Michigan without a permanent home. The world before me looks dark. Had Father died a natural death, I could easier be reconciled. But a death brought on by the carelessness of a hired man, not really a hired man, but a lout of the town who came in the mill and took without request or leave the place my brother (Theodore) was at work. Then by carelessness letting a bolt touch the saw, my father’s life was lost. To think what must have been Father’s feeling when the bolt struck him. To hear how he, unable to stand, sat down on the floor leaning against the side of the mill, his head drooping down on his breast, the blood streaming from the wound, sitting helpless. The frame which held his spirit broken; it just took leave of its former tenement. What must have been his feelings if he was sensible of his situation. Those who saw him think he never knew what it was that killed him. He that morning had left the house in excellent spirits, his business was paying well. He saw prospects ahead of happiness, at the usual hour he commenced his work and while he engaged in supporting his family, at that very time he was making money to use when too old to work. In an instant quick as a flash of lightening he is summoned before his maker. What must have been his impression when so unexpectedly launched into the realities of his future home. Is there in that land of Glory a thought of the world left behind. Could he look back and see us performing the last ceremonies to the dead? Or was he occupied greeting his old acquaintances who had preceded him. His father maybe was showing him the beauties of his new home. Oh there is more cause to shout for joy than weep when a good man dies. To be sure it is hard to part – but the joy of his meeting his friends in his future home, a home where endless ages may pass and no changes occur save the continued advancement into the knowledge and goodness of God. Oh it must be the most satisfying change that man can ever experience to be brought face to face with Him. To be face to face with the Star of Perfection, to see his hands scarred with the ragged spike thrust through by the envious Jews. To see the Savior of man, the One thru whom and by whose exertions all are enabled to visit and remain in a land where there is no sorrow, a land in which each moment bears with it more happiness than can be experienced in all ages on earth. To see the old Patriarchs of whom it is so much pleasure to read, to receive from their lips the experience they passed through. In this world it is a source of great pleasure to view nature’s work, day by day to see a very trifle of magnitude of the created world. When the thought of what will be seen at the last change of man comes to mind, the pleasure to be experienced, I feel as if to want him again a mortal would be selfish. I feel that he is gone on a journey on which all are traveling and that I will overtake him in a few days. Yes they may be few, judging from the past instance, although I am young, well, and to all earthly knowledge destined to live my “three score and ten”. Friday, May 10th – attended the funeral at 10 AM Afternoon went to Lyons and bought some flour. Saturday 11th remained in Muir. Sunday 12th – went to Meeting. Monday 13th – I went up into Sebewa in forenoon. Afternoon I commenced repairing a house of Uncle Eph’s in which to move Ma. Busy 14th, 15th, 16th repairing the house. Friday 17th went after a load of her stuff with Uncle Ben’s oxen. Saturday 18th returned with a load – bought sash and lights (windows with glass) (cost 2.70). Sunday 19th – staid with Uncle Eph. Monday 20th and 21st still busy at the house. 22nd commenced to make garden. Worked on the house some 23rd and worked in the garden. 24th worked in the garden forenoon, afternoon attended Mr. PLANT’S funeral. After funeral I looked at Mr. Green’s farm. 25th I looked as some land in forenoon, afternoon worked for Lucius SHOWERMAN planting corn. Sunday 26th at home most all day, called to Uncle Ben’s and Uncle Eph’s through the day. Monday 27th – made a lounge in forenoon, afternoon planted corn for Uncle Eph. Tuesday 28th – went to Muir to get a letter, found none, went out 2 ˝ miles to view Mr. ROBINSON’S land, it did not suit me, too hilly. Wednesday 29th – went to Ionia in the morning having staid all night with Mr. ROBINSON. I talked with Mr. WILLLIAMS concerning a piece of land in Sebewa that Mother wished to purchase, he being the agent to sell it. Went to Muir from Ionia on the morning train, came home in afternoon after getting the letters I expected. Thursday 30th – prepared corn ground and planted some corn. Friday May 31st – planted potatoes in the morning, it commenced to rain some. Saturday June 1st bargained with Uncle Ben for a piece of land, but only if second parties relinquished it. Went to P.U. in afternoon. Sunday 2nd staid at home. Monday 3rd – prepared to leave home. 4th left home at 3:30 AM. Arrived in Muir 1:23 – Uncle Eph brought me. At 4:20 PM left for Grand Rapids, cost me 97 cts. Went up and ate supper with Sgt of 3rd Mich Regt. I thought some of joining it, but finally concluded to go further west to look for a farm. I staid at the Depot and took the train for G. Haven at 2:42 AM Wednesday (expense .95). Left G. H. on boat 4:20 PM, arrived in Milwaukee about 10 AM Thursday (expense 2.30). Had to stay there until next day, as my trunk had by mistake been left at Grand Haven. Strolled through town all day. Friday 7th – left Milwaukee for Chicago at 2 AM, arrive at 9 AM (fare 2.30). Attended the funeral of Stephen A. DOUGLAS. I last saw him at Tiffin, Ohio. How little I thought that I now should see him on his last resting place. He was buried on the lot he expected to build his residence on. It is a beautiful place overlooking the lake. The Illinois Central railway passes under the bank between it and the lake. Left Chicago at 8:12 PM for Peoria (fare 2.00). Staid all night at Chenoa to wait for connecting train to Peoria, left at 12:30 and arrived at 3:30 PM Saturday. Made inquiries of many business men for the whereabouts of my connexion D. SHEY and found a man at the Virginia House who knew a man by the name of SHEY. Staid at Virginia House. Sunday 9th – went to the M. E. Sunday school and to Meeting. Was introduced to my host – the superintendent – a fine man from all appearances. Monday 10 – took packet for Pekin. Went out to Circleville, from there to Dellion, started for Pekin. Put up for the night with a farmer. I found two men by the name of SHEY, no relation of mine. Tuesday 11th 0 returned to Pekin, examined assessor’s books. Visited Haines Machine Shop. Sent my trunk to Peoria by packet. I went up on foot and got a chance to ride most of the way with a farmer. Staid all night in the suburbs. Wednesday 12th – examined two assessors books there also. Stopped at the hotel, overheard conversation concerning a Regt forming at St. Louis. Made inquiries, found a Co. was forming in Bloomington, concluded I would like to join it. Made up my mind to go down at any rate, took cars for Bloomington, joined the Co. Thursday 13th – shipped my trunk to Mich., addressed to Uncle Ben by express. Had a Co. election, elected B. A. SMITH – Capt. J. W. WHITE – Lieut. Received some shirts and drawers donated by the ladies. Took a walk after supper, felt quite sober or rather realized I was just about to enter in a service fraught with many dangers and hardships and perhaps for the last time spending an evening of quiet and peace in Bloomington. Friday 14th June – left Bloomington at 1 o’clock AM. Arrived in St. Louis about 9 o’clock AM. Went into camp at a park, elected 2nd Lieut. F. BLELAPP, appointed noncommissioned officers and then went down to the arsenal and were sworn into service by Mayer SCHEFIELD for three years or during the war if sooner ended. Saturday 15th – went through the usual drill. Sunday 16th – went back to arsenal and trained in that large brick building. Monday June 17th – while on drill today we received news of trouble in town, as a segment of Home Guard was marching through town they were fired on by a group near the Recorders Court which was then in session. The H. G. returned the fire with serious effect. June 18th drilled as usual, several recruits came in from Bloomington. 19th and 20th drill. June 21st was detached as clerk for Quartermasters. But by Commander’s request was still in drill 22nd. Sunday 23rd drilled some also. Drilled 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th 29th. Sunday 30th – Meeting in the Grove, excellent Union sermon on text First Peter 13th chapter 13th – 15th verses. Monday July 1st – an accident happened by which a man was killed last night. The Lieut. Of the guard was showing a sentinel how to handle his piece, when it accidentally went off, killing him. That same evening as I was looking out the window of my quarters, which were near the front gate in the corner of the large brick arsenal, I saw the flash of a pistol and saw two men running. One a Dutchman, was the one who shot, and the other was one of the soldiers of my Co. No harm was done in this case, but there is lots of keen talk running that it originated about a ferry girl, as soldiers term them. June 2nd – drilled as usual. 3rd did peliece duty cleaning up the grounds preparatory to celebrating the Anniversary of American Independence. Thursday July 4th – attended celebration in Arsenal. The day was ushered in by the usual National Salute. Capt. Charles McDONALD read the Declaration of Indpendence. Col. BLAND made a speech. Lieut. Col. PECKHAM also spoke and others made remarks. In evening I went into the upper story of the brick building (my quarters) and amused myself by watching the different fireworks in various parts of the city. July 5th & 6th drilled as usual. Sunday July 7th – attended Meeting in Grove by the arsenal. On 8th, 9th & 10th usual drill. The Ill. 20th left for Cape Girardeau on 10th. On 11th, 12th, 13th occupied in drill. On 14th Col SMITH left with 4 Companies of 8th Missouri and 4 Companies of Home Guards for North Missouri. Monday July 15th – drilled. On 16th at 2 o’clock A.M. an alarm beat and all fell in line – went in Arsenal – found alarm false. Drilled in ranks in forenoon. At 2 PM a prisoner was brought in charged with shooting at train of cars containing Col. SMITH’S command. 7:30 JACKSON’S Quarter Master arrived in prison. 7:43 seven………prisoners came in guarded by H.G. As they came up the street numbers of small boys surrounded them. Some men seemed anxious to see a live Secesh (secessionist). They were charged with burning a R. R. Bridge. Wednesday 17th – my birthday – drilled in forenoon, at 1 PM received marching orders, at 2 we left our Quarters for North Missouri R.R. Depot to join Col. SMITH in North Missouri. Quite a coincidence, on the day I am 22 years old I start on my first expedition to defend my country’s honor & flag. Reached St. Charles about 9 o’clock, sent a detachment up the R.R. to prevent any news of our approach from getting along the line. Thursday July 18th – early in the morning took a train after first putting all the rolling stock of the road in possession of the Home Guards and was not molested. At nearly all the stations Union sentiments were shown, waving of handkerchiefs, most probably owing to fear for our safety, as when Col. SMITH passed along. At about noon we joined our comrades at Mexico (Missouri). Twenty four of my company stood guard at night. I heard beating of drums about 9 in the evening, supposed it was the enemy’s camp, who hearing of the reinforcements sounded the alarm & left. We kept up the utmost vigilance expecting an attack. Friday July 19th – about 9 o’clock my Co. started on a scouting expedition expecting some fun. When about 3 miles from camp we saw some horsemen in the distance, gave chase, they eluded us. Skirmished through the woods, cornfields & came suddenly on a house before which stood two horses. In the house were three men, looked a little suspicious, but we passed on. Just after leaving the house we saw a Secesh (secessionist) pass on horseback at fast speed. Tried to get a shot but failed. About same time two of the boys found each a gun secreted in the brush near the house. Capt. Then ordered the men and horses captured. Corp. STONE and myself took the lead. I came up first and took possession of one of the horses, STONE the other. Sgt. MARSH came in with a file of men and took the men prisoners. We then started towards camp, examined all houses on the way. One house had several men in it, no arms were found. Did not make them prisoners, although I think we had ought to have done it, as undoubtedly they were Secesh. Saturday July 20th – about 11 AM an alarm was sounded and all fell in. A moment later it proved to be a Regt. Of troops (21st Ill) coming down on a train from the west. During afternoon a detachment of cavalry was needed to go to reinforce a Regt. Of H. Guards of St. Louis at Fulton. The cavalry with us refused to go, as their enlistment had expired. So my Capt volunteered with as many men as needed, and about 4 o’clock we started. Saw a few straggling horsemen, fired on one of them but missed. Did not follow as we feared an ambush. Sunday 21st – at 12:30 AM arrived in Fulton (MO). Rainy all day. Col. HAMAN’S Regt. came in town and stopt owing to the rain. Monday 22nd – left at 8 AM for Mexico (MO), took a circuitous rout hoping to fall in with the Rebel Haris, but failed. Saw several suspicious-looking persons, but none armed. Are in Mexico at 2 PM. Tuesday 23rd – left for St. Louis Home Guard at Montgomery and our men who had removed there accompanied us. (Total loss to Secesh about 60 to 100, our loss 2 killed, 4 or 5 wounded.) Wednesday 24th – arrived in Arsenal about 4 AM was up all night, very tired and sleepy. (My CO. did not get in a fight, being on other duty out to Fulton. Most of the fighting was done before we were ordered away from the Arsenal.) Left Arsenal for camp at Fair Grounds, were to be there at 12:13 AM. Thursday 25th – had company drill and Battalion in afternoon. Friday 26th – company drill. Saturday 27th – marched down to Genl. FREMONT’S Headquarters and was inspected by him. Afternoon received Marching Orders – embarked on the Desmoines and left for Cape Giraldeau about dusk. Sunday 28th – arrived at Cape about 4 AM, by 9 AM took up Quarters in a large Grist Mill on bank of the river. 29th 30th and 31st the usual drill. August 1st made a monthly return to Co. A rumor in camp that a part of our Regt had orders to leave for Cairo, not true however. 2nd & 3rd drilled. Sunday 4th – a rumor that the enemy were approaching, commenced throwing up fortifications. Continued on 5th, 6th, 7th working on entrenchments, mounted some cannon. 8th working on entrenchments. August 9th – pickets gave the alarm about 4 AM. fell in line, supposed the enemy were upon us, firing all around town. Expected enemy every moment, Col. Went out with 4 Cos. To meet them. TO BE CONTINUED EDITOR’S NOTE: Our research & writing labors are free. But to those of you who feel inclined to send $5 about once a year for postage and printing costs, we say Thank You. It’s not mandatory, but appreciated! Many of you are supportive in other ways!
![]() Last update October 20, 2021 |