Sebewa Recollector
RECOLLECTOR Newsletter from Sebewa; Sebewa Township, Ionia County, MI.
SURNAMES: INGALLS, SHAY, LOCKE, CLEVELAND, TERRILL, HOGLE, LEIGHTON, FRIEIR, LeFEVRE, PROSSER, HILL, WILDER, LEIK, FOGEL, DEMARAY, NURENBERG, CARTER, SWILER, WALTER, HOLLENBACK, PERKINS, HALE, BOYINGTON, COLLINGHAM, BRINDLEY, LEWIS, CASSEL, CLINE, PETRIE, MARTZ, BARNUM, SHERWOOD, HOORT, MINNEMA, IRWIN, FRANKS, PIERCEFIELD, REED, VAN DYKE, GORSUCH, HARWOOD, WILDER RECENT DEATHS: GEORGIANNA J. HOLLENBACK PERKINS, 74, widow of Paul PERKINS, mother of Sue STEMLER, Robert and David PERKINS, sister of Carrie CLINKSCALES, Roberta BRICKLEY, Carole THELEN, Jamie PRISER and Daryl HOLLENBACK, daughter of Beatrice E. HALE & W. Wallace HOLLENBACK, son of George HOLLENBACK, Jr., son of George HOLLENBACK & Collingham girl, daughter of Jacob & Lucy BOYINGTON COLLINGHAM, who ran the vertical sawmill on Sebewa Creek at BIPPLEY Road starting before 1875. Georgianna was born May 13, 1932, graduated from Portland High School, Class of 1950, and served in the U. S. Air Force during the Korean War. They raised their family in Grand Ledge and retired to Marion, NC. She is buried at Danby Cemetery with military honors. AUDREY ONALEE BRINDLEY CASSEL, 77, widow of Joseph CASSEL, mother of JoAnn VanORMAN, Inez LEIK, James CASSEL, Jackie MULHOLLAND, David CASSEL, George CASSEL and Jean MURDOCK, sister of Virginia PYLMAN and the late Coleen CARMONY, Lurlene BRINDLEY, Patricia FULLER and George BRINDLEY, daughter of George & Myrtle LEWIS BRINDLEY. She is buried at East Sebewa Cemetery. RICHARD RILEY CLINE, 94, husband of Clarabelle MARTZ BARNUM CLINE, widower of Edith Marie PETRIE CLINE and Clarice Lucile SCHWAB SHOWERMAN CLINE, both from Sebewa, father of Evelyn MARTIN, Richard (Junior) and Paul CLINE, stepfather of Louise HILL, Ralph, Joyce and Robert SHOWERMAN, brother of Robert CLINE and the late Helen SHERMAN, Marguerite LeGAULT, Beth SHEARER, Jack and William CLINE, son of Arthur & Bessie SHERWOOD CLINE. Dick farmed on BELL Road in Campbell Township, worked at Ionia Manufacturing Co. and in his own business as a general carpenter since 1964. He is buried in Danby Cemetery. HENRY H. HOORT, 89, widower of Ethel HOORT, father of Sandra HEYBOER, Larry and Randy HOORT, brother of Calvin HOORT and the late Alice BOTTS, Louis, August, Joe, Allard, Tuny and Anton HOORT, son of Henry & Grace MINNEMA HOORT. Born in Ogilvie, MN, Henry farmed with his family in Orange Township, then the rest of his life on MUSGROVE Hwy in Sebewa Township. HERBERT G. IRWIN, 83, husband of Adabelle FRANKS IRWIN, father of Linda PAUL, brother of Robert and Edward PIERCEFIELD, Marion SELDON, Katie MILLER, Martha FERNSLER, Joan THOMPSON, Hazel WOODMAN, Joyce CARDINAL and Pat GEOGHAGEN. Herb was a WW II Army Veteran and operated Irwin Septic Service & Light Excavation. He is buried at Meadowbrook Cemetery, Roxand Township. THOMAS REED, 56, died with his wife Nancy in an auto accident on I-65 in Kentucky on Good Friday, parents of Jennifer and Stephanie REED, third son of Helen (Dykie) VAN DYKE & Walter REED, Jr., son of Uarda GORSUCH & Walter A. REED, son of Clara HARWOOD & Thomas Hosea (Hosey) REED, who homesteaded on 40 acres in Sebewa Township before 1891 and increased it to 220 acres, while raising a large family. Tom was a retired police officer from Battle Creek and Nancy was a legal assistant to the Battle Creek City Attorney. He was a part-time police officer in Prairieville Township and a pilot in the Civil Air Patrol. FRONT PAGE PHOTO: JONATHAN INGALLS’ GRAVE LOCATED AT 13400 SOUTH KEEFER HIGHWAY JONATHAN INGALLS UPDATE: Steve YENCHAR and this editor are in the process of resetting the roadside monument for our Revolutionary War Veteran – Jonathan INGALLS. In that connection we hereby present the lineage from Jonathan to one of our current contributors – a great-great-great-great-granddaughter – Carol HOGLE HILL: Jonathan INGALLS, born May 4, 1762, at Exeter, Grafton County, New Hampshire, son of Hannah LOCKE & Jonathan INGALLS, Sr., joined in 1775, at age 13; Captain Abijah SMITH’S Third Company. Colonel Nahum BALDWIN’S Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, along with his father. In 1785 he married Abigail CLEVELAND, born May 18, 1766, in Connecticut, died in Massachusetts, January 10, 1833. Jonathan died in Sebewa Township, October 2, 1843. They had thirteen children, whose descendants in Sebewa, Danby, and surrounding areas are documented in THE RECOLLECTOR, Volume 30, Number 1, August 1994. Polly INGALLS, born October 6, 1795, at Bristol, New Hampshire, died November 21, 1881, at Portland, Michigan, was the sixth child of Jonathan & Abigail CLEVELAND INGALLS. She married John F. TERRILL and they came in the first party of settlers in Sebewa in 1838. This family built the first sawmill and stocked the first general store in their home, on the land which became the John-George-Ralph FRIEND farm then the Lawrence-Howard-Gerald KNAPP farm, and now the home of Jim & Sid STANK. Laura TERRILL, born February 15, 1822, in New Hampshire, died in Sandstone Township, Jackson County, MI; was a daughter of John F. & Polly INGALLS TERRILL. She married William HOGLE and they shared a log cabin with the TERRILLS in that first settlement in Sebewa. They had six children born in Sebewa before 1850: Gilbert, Marshall, Josephine, Dallas, Erwin and Ada. Gilbert E. HOGLE, born September 21, 1839, in Sebewa Township, MI, son of William & Laura INGALLS HOGLE, died in Benton Harbor, MI, was a Civil War Veteran. He was married to Mary Malinda Leighton, born April 13, 1844, died July 1, 1880, in Sandstone Township, Jackson County, MI. They had three children: Homer, Jessie and Alice. Homer HOGLE, born August 22, 1869, in Sandstone Township, Jackson County, married Frances FRIEIR in October 1896, in Cleveland, Ohio. They had at least one son: Erwin. Erwin Leo HOGLE, born November 19, 1898, at Toledo, Ohio, died November 4, 1938 at Ann Arbor, MI. He was married August 28, 1930, to Elvina LeFEVRE, born March 3, 1902, at Stephenson, MI, died June 1, 1996 in White Lake Township, MI. They had three children: Mary Carol, Ann and Homer. Mary Carol HOGLE, born December 25, 1934, at Detroit, MI, was married November 27, 1958, to Michael Hubert PROSSER, born March 29, 1936, Indianapolis, IN. They had three children: Michelle, Leo and Louis. (Mary) Carol HOGLE PROSSER later married James Russell HILL in 1995. Upon retirement they moved from Clinton Township, Macomb County, MI. to Charlottesville, VA, and also have a winter home on Marco Island, FL INGALLS UPDATES: Jonathan INGALLS’ grave, shown in the cover photo, is located 0.4 mile south of MUSGROVE Highway on the west side of KEEFER Highway in Sebewa Township. Revolutionary War graves are relatively few in Michigan, with only three others in Ionia County and only one in Kent County. Contributions from descendants of Jonathan INGALLS or other interested individuals, toward the cost of up-dating his monument will be gratefully accepted. Laura INGALLS WILDER, author of “Little House on the Prairie” in books and TV was a relative of Jonathan INGALLS according to her biography on the Internet. He had thirteen children, but only two sons and two daughters came to Sebewa, and he came with them at age 76. BEAN GIRLS UPDATE: The “bean girls” did not work at Lake Odessa Canning Company as indicated in our sister paper, the Bonanza Bugle. They worked in upstairs rooms at the various locations of SMITH Bros. VELTE & Company Elevators. They hand-picked dirt, stones, and culls from dry navy beans. This was a winter job for local women until the Electric Eye Bean Picker was invented by Hugo HAMMERSLAG of HAMMERSLAG & TINKHAM of Saginaw and C. H. RUNCIMAN & Co. of Lowell, MI. MORE OLD BARNS WITH RACK LIFTERS by Grayden SLOWINS: Sunday, June 10, 2007, Ann & I took another road trip with Charles LEIK and George FOGEL to visit barns with rack lifters. If you save back issues, suggested reading is the December 2004, Volume 40, Number 3 issue of THE RECOLLECTOR, which tells what we knew about the lifters at that time. Since then we have also received patent sketches from the Canadian Patent Office in 1884-1885 of four different devices similar in nature, but none exactly like those found in Michigan. Today we saw four rack lifters, plus a couple wild goose chases, on a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon. First was the William & Agatha NURENBERG barn, which belonged to Ed A. DEMARAY in 1906 and is located just north of MUSGROVE Highway on KIMMEL Road in Sebewa Township. Our October 1988, Volume 24, Number 2 issue had a cover photo of this barn being built around 1900, but not much of the lifter is visible above the double drive floor. Someone may yet save this lifter for posterity, but they need to get at it soon. Mrs. NURENBERG was very gracious in giving us the tour and open to the idea of preserving it. Second lifter today was at the home of Wayne & Pam SWILER, located just north of BIPPLEY Road on the west side of Ainsworth Road in Odessa Township. It belonged to Ben F. CARTER in 1937 and his sister Grace owned on the east side of the road facing BIPPLEY, where their father, Z. W. CARTER, farmed in 1906. Both farms had lifters believed to have been built on plans brought from Michigan Agricultural College, where Ben was a professor. We didn’t get to visit the east barn, but Wayne SWILER gave a good tour of his and the history as he knew it. Third barn & lifter we toured today was at the eighth generation Leon & Alice WALTER farm on Morrison Lake, northwest side. Leon is 87 years old, fourth generation, and as he awakened to the realization that he knew Grayden SLOWINS from being a former Boston Township Supervisor, and George FOGEL from George’s maple syrup supply business, he began to relate the history of the farm, the houses, and the barn. It was extended from three or four bays to six bays in the early 1900s and fitted with rack lifters over the two drive floors. With an attached three-bay straw barn, this was among the half-dozen largest barns ever erected in Ionia County before pole-barns. Fourth barn we toured today is owned by Al & Claudia THROOP at the second farm north of VEDDER Road on BELL Road, east side. Locating this involved two false stops, because the surrounding farm land is owned by Jacob & Betty SCHUURMANS & Sons, but not the farmstead as we had understood. Al does not have a farm background, although we suspect Claudia does. They have restored the house, barn and other outbuildings, with lots of history as they know it. The double drive floors have the pillar beams spaced to allow the team to come out for unloading without going single file. With truly 12 x 12 beams, it shelters a menagerie in the high solid basement. END EPHRAIM SHAY’S DIARY 1861 – 1863 Continued: On the night of January 1st the troops withdrew to the transports and left for Millikens Bend. The enemy appeared not to anticipate the movement, as no demonstration was made, even though all the transports did not get out of the Yazoo River until 4 PM on Friday the 2nd. Saturday 3rd – laying at Millikens Bend. Gen McCLERNAND reported officially and with Gen SHERMAN went down to the mouth of the Yazoo to officially and with Gen SHERMAN went down to the mouth of the Yazoo to confer with Admiral PORTER, leaving about 8 PM and returning about 12 AM. The rain which has been pouring down for two days past has ceased. I have been very busy making out reports of the killed, wounded, etc. Since January 1st, when I came in from the battlefield, I have staid on board S. B. Forest Queen, Gen SHERMAN’S Hd Qtr boat. Sunday 4th – we started up the Mississippi River, having in view a fort on the Arkansas River. Gen MeCLERNAND assumed command. Monday 5th – we are on our way up the Arkansas River. The Ironclads have to be towed, making progress slow. Tuesday 6th – on our way I continue to work on the report of killed and 1000 wounded, of which 721 were so serious as to require hospital accommodations, the balance were so slight as to be treated by the Regt Surgeons. Arrived at White River at 2 PM. Thursday 8th – very busy making arrangements for the expedition in contemplation. Friday 9th – left landing at 8 AM and proceeded up the White River to the cutoff, thence (back) into the Arkansas River and up that, landing just below Fort Nelson, three miles from Post Arkansas, preparing to disembark early tomorrow. Saturday 10th – disembarked and advanced on the enemy, taking his rifle pits and driving him to the Fort. Sunday 11th – formed our line of attack, getting batteries in position, enemy in the meantime throwing shells among us occasionally. At 12:45 PM battle opened with our artillery and Gun Boats advancing within 400 yards of fort and by rapid and correct firing, silenced it at 2 PM. Fort surrendered unconditionally. Monday 12th – conversed with prisoners. They embarked on a boat for the trip north. I went down to the General Hospital of the place and took charge of the medicines. Tuesday 13th – came up to landing after loading medicines, etc. Gen SHERMAN moved his quarters on S. B. Forest Queen at 4 PM. I am now and have been for 3 days past at Gen McCLERNAND’S Hd Qtrs on S. B. Tigress. Wednesday 14th – commenced to rain at daylight, disagreeable day. I moved my clothing, etc. from Forest Queen to Tigress, took everything aboard in afternoon. Thursday 15th – changed to snow, three inches deep this morning, a snowy, wintry day. QM (Quarter Master) is loading mules on the S. B. Friday 16th – snowing still, melts some; went down to fort to pass the night, burnt everything we could not get on board, blew up the fort. Nearly all the boats have gone down the river, Gen Morgan’s Division is here yet. Saturday 17th – after giving up the fort, we started down the river, arrived at Napoleon at the mouth of the Arkansas at noon, cool day, snow melting very little. Sunday 18th – laying at Napoleon, a fire broke out during day and boats had to move out of its reach. Monday 19th – started down the river, a squall of wind for an hour or two. Tuesday 20th – on our way down the river we stopped each night, about noon found our Gun Boats laying at anchor, two boats through some misunderstanding, had passed the fleet. Wednesday 21st – after about two hours overtook the missing boats anchored and awaiting our approach. We landed at Tourage Point. Thursday, January 22, 1863 – disembarked, I went up to Milliken’s Bend by land with a dispatch. Friday 23rd – the work of disembarking and caring for the sick & wounded continues, troops are working on a ditch. Saturday 24th – troops are encamping and some are at work on the canal. A wedding last night on the Gun Boat Queen of the West, the Capt married a lady living up the river a few miles. Sunday 25th – office duties, usual program of camp life. Monday 26th – office duties, ordinary camp duties occupy the attention of company, a detail at work on canal. Tuesday 27th – B. B. Van Phal & J. C. left today for Memphis with the sick. Wednesday 28th – I went down to the ditch today, the water runs very sluggishly, no washing of the banks. Thursday 29th – firing from the mouth of ditch at Rebel transports, a ferry boat has been captured, the river is now blockaded below the city. Friday 30th – office duties. Saturday 31st – office duties. Sunday, February 1st – Went on board Tigress with wagons, etc. of the Medical Director. Monday 2nd – moved down to Gen Sherman’s Hd Qtrs, Queen of the West got by the batteries of Vicksburg in broad daylight without serious injury. Tuesday 3rd – Monday 9th – office duties. Tuesday 10th – office duties and a Serenade to Gen Sherman. Wednesday 11th – Rebels trying to range their guns on the canal, hit it very well. Surgeon LAUBIS, Medical Director of the Department here is quite unwell. Surgeon ALLEN of Medical Dept is here also. Thursday 12th – office duties. Friday 13th – office duties, received letter from Kate & Ophelia. Saturday 14th – office duties. Gun Boat Indianola ran the blockade without injury last night. Sunday 15th – Saturday 21st – office duties. Sunday 22nd – office duties, naturally a salute fired by land and naval forces in honor of Washington’s Birthday. Monday 23rd – office duties. Tuesday 24th – office duties, distant and heavy firing heard all day down the river, continuing until dark. At midnight a dummy was sent down which drew the fire from all their guns. Our boys caught it at the mouth of canal. Wednesday 25th – office duties, at 10 AM a dispatch arrived that the Queen of the West was in sight, with Rebel colors. Nothing definite yet with regard to Indianola, but suppose her captured also or sunk. About 4 PM the dummy was let go from its moorings at the canal and floated down. The Queen left down the river on the dummy’s approach at about 8 PM, later a tremendous explosion was heard down the river. Thursday 26th – office duties, nothing definite yet of the Indianola, but think the dummy scared the Secesh and they blew her up, for fear she would be captured. Friday February 27th – Thursday March 12th – office duties. Friday, March 13th – office duties, much activity among troops of 3rd Ohio Cavalry, and 55th, 24th, 34th Ohio Infantry. Saturday, March 14 – office duties, Maj. TAYLOR and Capt McCOY returned from their leav of absence. Asst Surgeon General Col R. C. WOOD is at the landing. Troops moving up the levee, quite an amount of activity prevails, water endangers the camps. Col WOOD came up to the office, took a ride with Surgeon McMILLEN. Received letter from Priscilla dated December 28th. Sunday 15th – office duties, answered Priscilla and Ma’s letter, enclosed $1 for Ma to pay Uncle Ben a debt I owed him. Rained last night, is cloudy with some rain this morning, cleared off and fair in afternoon, had a fourhanded game of cards with Jake HILLARD, a sergeant, and another man from the Colonel’s staff. Monday, March 16th – office duties, pleasant day, 8th Missouri and other troops embarked for an expedition. Surgeon McMILLAN went to Gen GRANT’S Hd Qrts, taking documentary evidence to show the history of the Med Dept since the command left Memphis. Gen SHERMAN left to accompany expediton about 4 PM, went up on a tug to the upper distant landing. Heavy firing all day of heavy guns at Waneuter or in that direction. Tuesday 17th – official duties, pleasant day, rumors that HAINE’S Bluff was evacuated and occupied by our troops, celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in the evening. Wednesday 18th – office duties, pleasant day, too warm for comfort, rumor that two Cos on the Mosquito Flats were taken up the Yazoo by the enemy, also that the 8th Missouri had a fight resulting in their being cut up badly – no good foundation for either report. Removed guns from the mouth of the ditch by way of levee. Rebs fired shell at the boys but did no harm, fired at the dredge boat also, but went nowhere. Thursday, March 19th – office duties, pleasant day, Rebs fired at dredge boat every 15 minutes all last night, one piece of shell hit but did no harm. Heavy firing heard about daylight down the river, much speculation concerning its cause. Rumor that Commadore FARRAGUT has run by Port Hudson. Signals were made from below (city) and now it is certain our boats are below, or the enemy have our signals. Friday 20th – Rebs fired but little last night, five of the boats from lower fleet went below, one reported destroyed. Office duties, pleasant day, making report for Hospital Surgeon Gen. Lieut HILL went down to communicate with Admiral FARRAGUT. Two of the lower fleet are here in safety. The Hartford guns are the Albatross guns! Saturday 21st – office duties, pleasant day. Lieut HILL returned with dispatches and Lieut of 25th Regt NY Lt ARTILL. Seven boats started, one burned and the others could not be seen when these left the Fort. Just before sundown heavy firing was heard near Waneuter lasting one hour. Supposition is that Commadore FARRAGUT attacked the place, nothing definite known. Sunday 22nd – office duties, pleasant day. Brig Gen CONDIG arrived at the Columbia landing at noon today with firepower anew, the Autocrat, Diana, Baltic, Adams, and E. H. FAIRCHILD. Firing near Waneuter early in the forenoon. Monday 23rd – office duties, rainy and muddy, dredge boats have left the canal. Tuesday 24th – office duties, cool north wind, not near freezing, but cool for this climate, did not do much work in office. Wednesday 25th – office duties, cool but pleasant, two boats tried to run the blockade by Vicksburg, the first one had the boiler exploded and was sunk, the second, the Switzerland was disabled but towed ashore by Commadore FARRAGUT’S Gun Boat. Thursday 26th – office duties, pleasant day, 55th Illinois 10th, sleighing in the East. Gen ELLIOT’S Marine Brigade went away from landing about noon, up the river, destination unknown. Friday 27th – pleasant day, a little cloudy about noon, office duties. Gun Boat Lafayette left her anchorage and went upstream this morning. There are no Gun Boats between Lounge Point and Vicksburg now. Answered Kate’s letter. Gen SHERMAN’S Expedition returned, proved a failure, got to within 6 ½ miles of Sunflower River. Saturday 28th – office duties, Spring showers, heavy firing in direction of Waneuter, violent wind about midnight, several trees blown down in the yard and a general scattering of tents, etc., finally went to bed and to sleep about 3 AM on the 29th. Sunday, March 29, 1863 – office duties, cool day, had to have fire in the office. Monday 30th – office duties, weather still cool, military operations progress as usual. Tuesday 31st – office duties, cool day. Wednesday April 1 – office duties, cool day, Gen STEELE’S Division preparing to go on expedition – Gen SMITH commanding, Gen ROSS’S old Division has arrived. Rebels fired a few shells about dark. Thursday 2nd – office duties, warmer weather, need no fire. Gen STEELE’S command left today. Gen STUART had a review, his last before returning to private life. Congress not confirming his re-appointment. He was early engaged in the war, raised two Regiments himself, spent $20,000 on them, has never been home, and has attended strictly to his duty; so much for justice! Friday 3rd – office duties, received letter from Kate and her photograph. I was down to Regt (Hd Qtrs), quite unwell last night, feel bad today, answered Kate’s and Ophelia’s letters, windy evening. Saturday 4th – office duties, feel better, pleasant day, Gen STEELE’S Division on expedition at Greenville today. Sunday, April 5 – office duties, pleasant day, went down on point and took view of Vicksburg Canal, which broke through the levee, overflowing the old camp. Gen STEELE’S Division is on the march in the interior, enemy rear guard in close proximity. Monday 6th – office duties, pleasant day, water rising in the yard, the railroad has been cut, and water begins to drain off and fall. We made a huge wreath of willow and roses and Shiloh in large letters and hung it at the Gen’s door this morning. Gen STEELE repaired the bridge today, which stopped his progress last evening, being burned ahead of him by the enemy. Tuesday 7th – office duties, Gen STEELE on the march towards the interior. Enemy seen in small numbers, skirmishes with artillery. Wednesday 8th – office duties, Gen STEELE on the march, enemy in sight occasionally. After camping for the night, the enemy’s artillery and ours exchanged several shots, no casualties. This place is called Thomas Plantation. A few miles from Greenville the march ended. Thursday 9th – office duties, Gen STEELE on the march back to Greenville, destroying all large quantities of crops, etc. which could not be brought along. Friday 10th – office duties, pleasant day, Gen STEELE reached the boats today, one man has been killed and two wounded. Saturday 11th – office duties, pleasant day, quite unwell, shower in evening, continued raining all night. Sunday, April 12 – office duties, damp morning. Flag of truce today, a mother and her two daughters came with it, daughters young and handsome. A refugee and family also came in – all go north I believe. Monday 13th – office duties, flag of truce today, Gen GRANT and Gen STEELE answered it. Tuesday 14th – office duties, fair day, water rising, wrote letter to Uncle as usual. Wednesday 15th – office duties, Gun Boats to have went by Vicksburg did not go. Passed evening on Westmoreland, Forest Queen was not ready, which caused a delay, going this evening without fail. Thursday 16th – office duties, warm day, about half a dozen shots fired from Battery in the city, apparently at our fort on the point. Brig Gen THOMAS, Adjutant General, came here this afternoon to Gen SHERMAN’S office. Boats all ready, will go this evening. Friday 17th – Gun Boats went down last night: Beuton, Lafayette, Tuscumbia, Corondolet, Louisville, Mound City, Pittsburg, Gen Price. Also Transports: forest Queen, Silver Water, and Henry CLAY. Henry CLAY took fire approaching city and was burned. Forest Queen helped her and received a shell, which injured her steam drum. Tuscumbia went back and brought her through. Saturday, April 18, 1863 – office duties, pleasant day, crew of Forest Queen came up to office today, came past firing from our guns on the point on enemy’s stronghold. Sunday 19th – office duties, pleasant day, received letter from Kate, answered it, all are well except Tripp VANETTER. A boat from the fleet endeavored to go up the river on the opposite side. It having no flag raised, our battery fired blank shots and brought it back, then sent an officer to ascertain its business and let it pass. Monday 20th – office duties, pleasant day, shelling city, apparently to burn house which enemy are preparing to blockade. Rumor that Gen ROSENKRANS had a battle and whipped the enemy but had heavy losses, at present stated at 16,000, but greatly exaggerated I think. Tuesday 21st – Tuesday 28th – office duties, no word of a fight by Gen ROSENKRANS’ forces. Wednesday 29th – office duties, pleasant day, mud drying up a little, ten Regts under Gen BLAIR of 2nd Division left landing to go a short distance up the Yazoo River, about 13 miles, heard firing about 11 AM or 12 PM. Caught some fish in a ditch near Hd Qtrs this afternoon. Thursday 30th – office duties, rumors from picket that the enemy are crossing in boats opposite Vicksburg or a little below, sent aide to ascertain. Firing up Yazoo is heard about 10:00 AM. very heavy guns. Enemy seen across the river opposite Gen SHERMAN’S Hd Qtrs, apparently watching our movements. Firing up Yazoo continues until late in evening. Friday, May 1st – office duties, warm day, have noticed no firing up the Yazoo, firing in the vicinity of Vicksburg nearly all day, do not know the cause, but some shells were so close could hear them burst. Heard it was a party of enemy who went across the canal to see if anything was being done there. They were firing at our troops, causing quite a stir among the Regts left behind. Col HOGERE with 5 Cos of the 118th just went up towards the canal. He has been riding up and down the levee two or three times this afternoon. Gen SHERMAN’S Expedition returned at dusk, did merely what was intended – to make faint of an attack. Orders to be ready to move tomorrow. Saturday 2nd – went by boat to Milliken’s Bend, disembarked and prepared to leave for Carhage tomorrow morning, 1st Division is on the way, 3rd Division also. Sunday 3rd – left Milliken’s Bend about 8 AM, road to plantation, where Gen STEELE dismounted for a stay of two hours. Received letter from Kate this morning – Jim SHAY elected. “Chatterbox” is quite unwell, Bell is dead and YOUNGS died in the army some time ago. Went to Gen GRANT’S Hd Qtrs within a couple miles of Carthage. Monday 4th – left early and went to Perkins Plantation, where we remained during the afternoon and night. Gen SHERMAN went by boat to Grand Gulf, returned during night. I saw Mr. PERKINS’ monument, he was lost at sea on the ship Arctic. Mrs Perkins’ monument is near her husband’s. The dwelling house was burned by the next owner upon our taking New Orleans, I learned. Tuesday 5th – left at 9 AM and went to Hardens’ Landing opposite Grand Gulf, passed many large mansions, most of them deserted and the furniture left behind had been destroyed by soldiers. Passed many cotton gins, etc. burned last night. Do not know by whom, but from description by the slaves, the same man did all the burning. Staid at plantation of Dr. HOLLINGSWORTH. To be Continued
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