Sebewa Recollector
RECOLLECTOR Newsletter from Sebewa; Sebewa Township, Ionia County, MI.
SURNAMES: HIGH, SANDBORN, ROGERS, COON, LUSCHER, GIBBS, INGRAHAM, ERDMAN, HUNTZINGER, FAES, LUESHER, STEBBINS, HARWOOD, EAGLE, REYNOLDS, GIBBONS, RITTER, STANTON, HARPER, FENDER, MARTZ, CONKLIN, DOWNING, FANDEL, WOHLSCHEID, PLINE, INGALLS, SHAY, ARNOLD, LEIK RECENT DEATHS: MELBORN E. SANDBORN, 93, husband of Fannie Margaret ROGERS SANDBORN, the daughter of Roy & Gertrude COON ROGERS, father of John and Luke SANDBORN, Sharon ZARKA and Cynthia HEFTY, brother of the late Herbert, Columbus, Jacob, Riley, Lawrence, Allen and Raymond SANDBORN and Vera KRAUSZ, son of Elma Winifred LUSCHER & Lawrence (Lon) WATSON SANDBORN, son of Sarah Jane GIBBS & Columbus SANDBORN, son of Betsey Ann INGRAHAM & Edward SANDBORN. Elma was the daughter of Minnie C. ERDMAN and Jacob LUSHER, son of Anna HUNTZINGER & Jacob LUSCHER, Sr., son of Anna FAES & Hans Jakob LUESCHER of Aargau, Switzerland. Melborn was born October 25, 1913, in Orange Township on KEEFER Highway, where his brother Jake later farmed, died July 4, 2007 in Danby Township on the MUSGROVE Hwy end of their farm on KEEFER Hwy. He served for 30 years on the Sebewa HIGH School Board, 4 years on the Ionia County Intermediate School Board, 20 years on the Sunfield Elevator Board, and 26 years on the Maynard Allen Bank Board. He farmed with his son Luke and operated SANDBORN International Farm Equipment Co. with his son John. He is buried at Danby Cemetery. GLADYS C. HARWOOD STEBBINS, 102, widow of Max STEBBINS, mother of Larry STEBBINS and two infant children, sister of the late Lois, Harold and Stanley HARWOOD, daughter of Alta EAGLE & Jay HARWOOD, son of Riley HARWOOD, the HARWOODS being one of the earliest families to settle in Berlin Township. Born July 15, 1904, she died July 1, 2007, just 14 days short of her 103rd birthday! She and Max raised Hampshire and Suffolk sheep on their farm on State Road in Orange Township. She is buried at Saranac Cemetery. JANE RITTER REYNOLDS, 90, widow of Raymond REYNOLDS, mother of Richard REYNOLDS, sister of Jean HARRIS, Maynard RITTER and the late Maxwell, Paul and Royal RITTER, daughter of Pearl GIBBONS & Floyd Maxwell (Skinny) RITTER, son of Sarah Jane STANTON & Anthony (Tony) RITTER, son of Elizabeth Ann HARPER & Samuel RITTER, who settled on 120 acres in Section 16, Orange Township in 1849. Floyd & Pearl RITTER farmed on 100 acres on BIPPLEY Road, Sec. 14, Sebewa Township, from 1910 to 1966. Jane and Ray lived in Hastings, where she was a volunteer at Pennock Hospital. She died March 23, 2007. EARL FENDER, 93, husband of Alice MARTZ FENDER, widower of Louise CONKLIN FENDER, father of Anne HALFORD and Judy MALMQUIST, son of Edith DOWNING & Nathaniel FENDER. He was descended from the FENDER families of Sebewa and Odessa Townships, but we don’t know just how. CHRISTOPHER F. FANDEL, 78, husband of Helen WOHLSCHEID FANDEL, father of Frank and Rodney FANDEL, Derry HOPPES, Rhonda SCHRAUBEN, Marlys SPOHN and Teresa LONGANBACH, brother of Rhonda LEHMAN, Eloise GILBERT, and the late Annabelle WERNER and Hubert FANDEL, son of Mary PLINE and Frank FANDEL. Born May 18, 1929, he farmed all his life in Sebewa Township Sec. 1 & 2 on PETRIE Road and Orange Township Sec. 35 & 36 on KNOX Road and died August 16, 2007. FRONT PAGE PHOTOS: SEBEWA HIGH SCHOOL, Fractional District No. 1. Named for original landowner Jacob C. HIGH JONATHAN INGALLS UPDATE: Steve YENCHAR of Lowell Granite Co. was assisted by Patrick ADGATE and Anthony (Tony) ZANDER in pouring the foundation to re-set Jonathan’s Revolutionary War monument, and all donated their labors. We thank them on behalf of everyone. CHARLES LEIK UPDATE, LETTERS AND REPORT: Charles LEIK writes to ask if anyone knows the approximate age of Portland Co-operative Elevator, now called the Red Mill. He says they found a plastered & heated upstairs room in the northwest wing before tearing it off, and surmised it was for BEAN GIRLS to pick beans, as we told about in our last issue. Charles LEIK always has interesting travels, and spent July 4th holiday at the Round Barn Museum at Rochester, IN., and a restored house-barn raising at Springfield, OH. We will hear him tell about their trip to India. Also his memories of Gerald R. Ford. LETTERS FROM CHARLES LEIK: First you might like a story about my service with Gerald R. FORD. Amazingly it was exactly 40 years ago today that I started work in the office of the Minority Leader in the Capitol………and today (January 3, 2007) Mr. FORD is being laid to rest on the banks of our own river, the Grand. I worked in Mr. FORD’S congressional office 30 hours a week while attending Georgetown University Grad School. I worked six days a week from 7 AM to 1 PM. On Saturdays, Susan FORD, then about 8-10 years old, would come to the office. I reminded her of this when I briefly chatted with her in the receiving line at the Rotunda on New Year’s Day. It was the first time I had seen her in 39 ˝ years! I drove Mr. FORD from his home in Alexandria once when the regular driver was sick, and another time within the District. He sat in the black bucket passenger seat of my red 1964 Plymouth Sport Fury and after fussing with papers in his briefcase, he closed the case and we chatted about the merits of mass transportation. This subject was then topical because the Metroliner between New York City and Washington had just been initiated. Another time we discussed Mrs. Marina OSWALD, since Mr. FORD had been a member of the WARREN Commission. Tom BROKAW in eulogizing the former President at the Washington Cathedral on January 2nd, said that nice things are always said about the deceased, but in Mr. FORD’S case, they are really true. I can confirm that Mr. FORD was as courteous, friendly and thoughtful in his private persona as in his public image. I have a photo of Mr. FORD and me in 1967 and after the photo languished in undistinguished drawers for years I had it professionally restored and framed. Unfortunately Mr. FORD’S inscription to me was almost illegible. The conservator suggested that I mail the photo and new mat to Ranchero Mirage and ask Mr. FORD in a cover letter to repeat the inscription on the mat. The photo, mat and inscription were returned to me within a few days and now occupy a place of honor in my study!
ANOTHER LETTER FROM CHARLES LEIK: I gulped when Willie announced that she wanted to tour India, but we successfully planned our itinerary and only once used an agency to engage airport pickups, drivers and guides at Delhi, Jaipur and Agra in the North, Goa and Mumbai (Bombay) in the South, and Varanasi, the city sacred to Hindus on the Ganges. Our guide proved invaluable, air transport inside India was comfortable (full meal service on modern aircraft on one-hour flights), the Indians were friendly without exception, the culture fascinating and Islamic architecture superb. We learned a lot! Between portions of India we spent five days with our New Zealand friends Ian and Lynette BROWN in ultramodern Dubai. We rode on camels, dhows and big SUVs, and ate Chinese food while watching skiers on the new enclosed refrigerated slope. After over-the-top Dubai and Indian hotel stays in converted palaces, it was back to reality at the Michigan farm. There were acres of lawn to mow and spray, muskrats infesting the pond (their burrows collapse the banks) and an October of rain, cold and even snow. Nevertheless, crops were good and renovation of the 1858 farmhouse is nearing completion. Recently my brother Ed and I finished the farm year by constructing a fireplace of native stone. We have a lot to learn about splitting stone! LETTER FROM GRAYDEN SLOWINS TO KAREN CLARK OF ROCHESTER HILLS, MI, DATED JULY 16, 2007: As a retired Clerk of Sebewa Township, I have copies of the cemetery records and my personal set of old land plat books, and will attempt to answer the questions in your letter (to me). Your great-great-grandfather, William Perry ARNOLD owned the 40 acres at 12431 S. SHILTON Road now known as the BAILEY farm on the 1875 plat and 1891 plat, but was gone by 1906. His son William H. ARNOLD, who you report was born in 1867 in Eaton County, died in Sebewa Township December 31, 1928, and was buried on Lot #24 West Sebewa Cemetery, but there is no stone. John ARNOLD lived on 80 acres exactly one mile north of William P. in 1875, but was gone by 1891. He is buried on Block 6 Lot #14 in East Sebewa Cemetery. His birth date is shown as April 20, 1836, but no death date. John’s house and barn were moved or torn down to become part of the Robert Gierman buildings on the next farm south. Hannah, wife of John, died September 15, 1879, at age 43 years, 4 months, 11 days, making her birth date May 4, 1836. She is buried on Lot #14 also. Iran ARNOLD, father of John and possibly of William P., died April 13, 1879, at age 79, so was born in 1800 approximately, and is buried on Lot #14 also. There is a stone for this family. Enclosed are photos of the Sebewa Center School as it looked in earlier days and after repaired from the 1967 tornado. As you saw, it has been replaced in 2005-2006 by a modern Sebewa Town Hall after being closed for 40 years. Sincerely, Grayden D. SLOWINS EPHRAIM SHAY’S DIARY 1861 – 1863 Continued: Wednesday, May 6, 1863 – packed up wagons, saddled horses, expecting to cross the river, but did not do so, remained all day and camped for the night in same place we staid last night. Gen STEELE’S & Gen TUTTLE’S Divisions arrived, the 2nd Brigade of Gen STEELE’s crossed during the night and the 6th Brigade under Gen THOMAS came to our camp in the afternoon, brought dispatch from Gen GRANT that he is proceeding admirably. Thursday 7th – cold night last night, wind from north, packed wagons and saddled horses and went to landing early. Crossed over (to east side of Mississippi River) on Forest Queen, with some on Gun Boat, and camped against the hill. Took a survey of the defense, much work done, a lack of heavy guns was plainly visible. So strong is the place by nature that it would be impregnable if guns were properly placed and defended. Friday 8th – left camp. Gen GRANT is near Rocky Springs. I do not know what we are waiting for, unless it is for Gen BLAINE. Some of the troops are in motion. Sent Kate’s letter which I wrote at Grand Gulf. Saturday 9th – remained in camp at first ford. Sunday 10th – I went with Capt PITTMAN to make a survey of the road. Gen SHERMAN’S Hd Qtrs and Gen STEELE’S command left at 2 PM and marched to Big Sandy Creek by way of Rocky Springs and bivouacked for the night. Country is very hilly, roads crooked, deep ravines, land poor, presents a striking contrast with the rich plantations across the river, country is better as we go up Big Black River. Monday 11th – left camp at sunrise, went with Capt. PITTMAN to survey road to Cayuga, arrived at 10 AM, very pleasant dry weather, heard a few cannon in NW direction this morning. Gen GRANT’S Hd Qtrs are at Cayuga P.O. near the church, camped there for the night. Tuesday 12th – left early in the morning and marched a few miles when enemy opened fire on us with musketry – killed one man. I was with Col HIBBARD making a survey of the road when I heard the firing, so I went in front. Some skirmishing now at 10 AM, lasted only a few minutes, enemy retreated, followed by us. The bridge was burned, took until night to repair it and get the two commands across, camped on hill just across creek. Six killed, 8 or 10 wounded today, heard firing on and off all night. Wednesday May 13th – Left camp at 4 AM, Gen McPHERSON had a fight about two miles from Raymond, we reinforced him, he lost about 200 killed and wounded. We arrived about 8:30. He had driven the enemy through the town of Raymond last evening. Command went forward on the direct road to Jackson, came on the enemy’s picket 8 ˝ miles past Raymond. Exchanged a few shots, then they fell back. We then went into camp, the owner of the plantation is a Private in the 3rd Mississippi, MARSHALL by name. Gen McPHERSON went into Clinton, took possession of the place, intercepted dispatches from Gen LEE ordering his troops to fall back, if not strong enough to stop us or risk engagement. Thursday 14th – left in morning for Jackson (MS), some skirmishing all the way, and about 3 miles from town came a force of Infantry and Artillery. At 11 AM commanding on our left supposed to be Gen McPHERSON, the enemy opened fire on us with cannon at 11:50. Our Battery answered, but not from a good position. At 12:15 Infantry fire quite heavy. At 12:25 PM enemy gave way to our men, skirmishing continued. At 12:30 Capt PITTMAN reported rifle pits abandoned. Gen STEELE took possession of Jackson at 3 PM, camped in suburbs of town, has been rainy all day. Friday, May 15, 1863 – remained in Jackson all day, busy taking possession of Rebel property and destroying railroads, manufactories, etc. Troops are taking possession of all property, food, etc. which is of any service to the army. Destroyed Rebel cannons, loaded up one, saved the ammunition; many fires in town. Saturday 16th – left about 10 AM, arrived in Clinton (MS) about 2 PM. Col HOUGHTON brought report that Gen GRANT has an engagement and lost 1500 prisoners, other reports say 500 were recaptured, no positive information. We are pushing ahead on the strength of the report. Dispatch from Gen GRANT at 6 PM that he has taken 1500 prisoners and three batteries. Camped at Bolton, (MS) with orders to leave at 4 AM on 17th. (Clinton & Bolton are small towns on present-day I-20, main route from State Capital at Jackson to Vicksburg on the Mississippi.) Sunday 17th – Gen TUTTLE’S Division was unable to pass (over) the bridge just east of the train station, on account of the lateness last night and fatigue of the troops, consequently we left later than ordered, being sunrise. At 11 AM and 4 miles east of Big Black River, receive a dispatch from Gen GRANT, 3000 prisoners & 33 pieces of cannon taken at bridge. I went back with medicines for wounded in Gen GRANT’S Division, about 300 enemy killed and 3000 prisoners. Army Corps went to Big Black River and put down pontoons and commenced crossing river at sundown. Gen BLAINE’S Division joined us; we crossed two miles above the railroad. Monday 18th – whole Army Corps crossed during night, wagon train left to cross today. Marched to within 3 miles of Vicksburg, where the enemy commenced to skirmish with us. We come on the city from the northeast. Gen GRANT is here. About 4 PM the Division parted from Gen BLAINE’S and advanced by both roads towards the city. As soon as McPHERSON’S Corps arrived, Col SMITH’S Brigade returned and took position with the 2nd Division. Some anxiety for Gen McPHERSON’S arrival on account of fires seen in city and a supposition that the enemy may try to excape by way of ridge road on our right. Gen STEELE is charged with guarding the attack, expected some skirmishing about 15 wounded. Tuesday 19th – forenoon spent getting in position, with intervals of sharp skirmishing. Orders to assault at 2 PM, which was done by Gen SHERMAN’S Corps and a part of Gen McPHERSON’S. A General failed to obey orders and the consequence was that these two did all the fighting, loss – 300 wounded actually in hospital. Gen STEELE’S site from the Gun Boats (on the Mississippi River) opened fire after dark and kept it up at intervals all night. Wednesday 20th – skirmishing commenced at daylight and continued briskly until 2 PM, when it increased to a real fight, cannonading all day from Gun Boats and mortars at intervals all night. (EDITOR’S NOTE: In case you have been unable to follow the path of this war, General GRANT’S railroad supply lines from the North had been destroyed, and the Mississippi Bluffs at Vicksburg were heavily fortified, so he sent his army with very few supplies hopping from port to port south along the west bank of the river, sometimes by boat and sometimes overland. Then they crossed the Mississippi below Vicksburg, went up the Big Black River and Natchez Trace, to capture the Capital at Jackson and slip into Vicksburg from the East along present-day I-20.) Thursday May 21, 1863 – cannonading all day, very heavy during forenoon, firing from sharpshooters incessant. I went to the extreme right and saw Youngs Point & surrounding country from the bluffs. Friday 22nd – cannonading commenced early in morning and was very heavy as the assault was made by 15th Artillery Corps. I do not know whether the other corps did as they were ordered or not. I heard little or no firing on the left. The flag was planted on the enemy works and remained there all day, withdrew after dark. Our forces were within 50 yards of their works all day, very heavy loss, four forces acted under the heaviest fire. Saturday 23rd – very quiet in morning, little firing of cannon except from mistake about 10 AM, cannonading heavy on left, Gun Boats opened fire also from sound. Capt. PITTMAN, Topographical Engineer on Gen Sherman’s Staff, was wounded by enery’s sharpshooter while taking survey of works. (Weather during campaign so far is the best kind for our purpose – roads dry, just showers enough to lay dust once in a while.) Received letter from Kate. Sunday 24th – cannonading all day, slowly skirmishing with sharpshooters, our troops digging rifle pits. I went to the landing on Yazoo River at head of Chickasaw Bayou, passed over battleground of Dec. 27-28-29, 1861. The enemy had the strongest natural position in the West, if not in the whole South, to protect them. I never saw anything near its equal. Wounded sent to river to go north yesterday & today. Monday 25th – a slow cannonading and fire from sharpshooters kept up & fine dry weather. A flag of truce from 6 to 8 PM to recover the dead. I went out to view their works, it is an excellent one for defense and offense. It can be taken by assault if present army remains before it – too bad the loss of life must be so immense. Wrote to Priscilla. Tuesday 26th – firing very slow, little to be heard, an unusual calm. I guess storm approaches we are very busy making preparations for a determined and successful attack. I think 2000 lbs. of blasting powder and 1,000,000 rounds of small ammunition. Gen GRANT just came into the office and ordered that a sharp lookout be maintained, as reports say the enemy are going to cut their way out over night. They say it was ordered and the signal given last evening, but for some reason the troops did not respond. Gen BLAINE’S Division is ordered to HAINES Bluff this evening. Wednesday 27th – usual skirmishing, very heavy cannonading, principally from Gun Boats and mortars, slight shower, very warm. Received letter from Jane and one from Griff BROKAW, also one from Mother & one from Priscilla – Jane’s dated May 7th, Priscilla’s May 14th, Ma’s May 18 and Griff’s May 22. Thursday 28th – usual amount of firing, pleasant day, quite dusty. Busy recording names of the wounded actually received in the hospitals and reported by name: 16 killed – 57 wounded from our Brigade under Gen SHERMAN in May. Reported by Division: 1st Division Gen STEELE – Killed 98 Wounded 377 Missing 10 Total 486 2nd Division Gen BLAINE – 174, 709, 8, 891 3rd Division Gen TUTTLE – 25, 191, 23, 241 Totals – 297 Killed, 1277 Wounded, 41 Missing, Total 1618 Friday 29th – heavy bombarding in the forenoon, starting at 6 AM, Gun Boats still firing at evening and all day I believe, but the cannons near Hd Qtrs made so much noise I could not distinguish between them. Saturday 30th – cannonading all day, 30 bl. Pannetts principally, sharpshooters skirmishing at daylight. Built a gun battery last night close to enemy. Wrote letter to Mother, sent $5.00; also wrote to Priscilla, have not sent any letters yet, but will tomorrow morning. Sunday 31st – heavy firing all along line at an early hour this morning (3 AM). Captured 12 prisoners last night, each one had a number of percussion caps on his person amounting to a thousand total. Cannonading all day, warm and dry, very dusty. Answered Kate’s letter from May 8th. Monday, June 1, 1863 – firing as usual all day. Tuesday 2nd – usual firing from heavy and light artillery & musketry and at 6:30 PM brisk bombardment of 10 minutes ensued. At 7 PM received four minutes of rapid firing-heavy guns (Secesh Hunters). Wednesday 3rd – usual firing all day – more heavy guns being wanted – a number of hand grenades of 1 to 5 lbs. being made – another attack will soon be made. Gen BLAIR has returned and his Brigade has arrived, many ladies visit Hd Qtrs for provisions. Weather is dry, cloudy at times today, have had no rain for past month, except little sprinkles, not enough to lay dust. Thursday 4th – usual amount of firing, preparations for the capture of the city go on actively. Friday 5th – usual firing, dry warm weather. Saturday 6th – firing continues slowly, weather dry and extremely warm. Sunday 7th – very quiet all along the line, very little firing, heard firing in the morning over towards Milliken’s Bend. Dispatch received that the enemy has attacked and at first drove out the Negroes camped there. Negroes rallied and repulsed them, with a loss of 80 dead on the field, 200 Secesh taken prisoner & 5 cannons, Negroes’ stock is rising. Monday 8th – firing increased to its usual amount, continued till late in evening, cannon and musketry. Tuesday 9th – office duties, usual firing, Wednesday 10th – rainy in morning, much water fell towards noon and continued showers all day. Firing very brisk in the intervals by sharpshooters, cannonading as usual, more troops arrive. Thursday 11th – office duties, usual firing, reinforcements arriving, 23,000 reported. Roads getting good, Gen JOHNSTON reported moving forward. Friday 12th – office duties, usual firing, a little misunderstanding between myself and someone caused me to apply to be relieved from duty at Hd Qtrs by 15th, request granted. Saturday 13th – order issued relieving me from duty at Hd Qtrs of 15th Army Corps on 12th and ordering me to report as clerk at Gen Hospital. Reported for duty as ordered. Sunday 14th – quite unwell, have been so for some months. Monday 15th usual duties, heavy firing along the line, enemy opened fire with cannon, the first since May 23rd on their near side. Gen SHERMAN went to the rear to command the force opposed to Gen JOHNSTON. News of Port Hudson’s capture. Tuesday 16th – usual duties, getting quite unwell. Gen SHERMAN delayed. Wednesday 17th – usual duties, still quite unwell. Thursday 18th – office duties, unwell. Friday 19th – office duties very laborious, unwell, siege as usual. Saturday 20th – office duties. Sunday June 21st – office duties, letter writing, received letter from Kate & Miss Chatterbox. Monday 22nd – office duties, usual siege. Tuesday 23rd – office duties, much writing very late. Wednesday, June 24, 1863 – Gen SHERMAN has gone to rear to face Gen JOHNSTON, office duties, very busy, heavy firing all day, skirmishing in the rear, mortars throwing shells very regularly at short intervals, weather damp and showery, but not much rain. Gen SHERMAN took Gen TUTTLE’S 3rd Division with him. Thursday 25th – office duties, same warm weather, firing all the time. A few sensational stories in camp, but only rumors. Friday 26th – office duties. Saturday 27th – office duties, warm weather, quite unwell. Sunday 28th – office duties, warm weather. Monday 29th – office duties. Tuesday 30th – office duties. Wednesday July 1 – office duties. Thursday 2nd – office duties, preparation being made for an attack or at least a heavy bombardment. Friday 3rd – office duties, flag of truce proposing terms of surrender of Vicksburg (!) about 10 AM, orders for 15th Army Corp to join Gen SHERMAN. Sixty prisoners released from jail were confined for Union sentiments. Sunday 5th – office duties, very warm. 15th Army Corps moves to join Gen SHERMAN immediately, on the way today. (Three Divisions made up a Corps – in this case the 1st, 2nd & 3rd.) Monday, July 6th – office duties, exceedingly warm today. Tuesday 7th – office duties, very warm. Wednesday 8th – office duties, very warm. Thursday 9th – office duties, moved through Vicksburg, very warm. Friday 10th – office duties, Surgeon Varnum placed under arrest by Surgeon McDONNELL, his orders had been issued, but were delivered without the signature of Surgeon McDONNELL, and recorded in the order book as signed. Surgeon VARNUM was about to take his seat at the dinner table, when Surgeon McDONNELL ordered him to retire and eat at the second table. VARNUM refused to do so and McDONNELL ordered the Lieut of the Guard to enforce the order. A spirited discussion ensued, finally Surgeon VARNUM complied. Saturday 11th – office duties. Sunday 12th – office duties. Monday 13th – office duties, 116 sick sent to Hospital Boat to go north. Tuesday 14th – office duties. Surgeon VARNUM released from arrest. Wednesday 15th – office duties. Surgeon VARNUM relieved from duty in 15th Army Corps by Surgeon MOORE, new Director of Department. Thursday 16th – Monday 20th – office duties. Tuesday 21st – office duties, commenced moving Hospital to city of Vicksburg, 25 loads today. Wednesday 22nd – office duties. Thursday 23rd – another 106 patients sent north. Friday 24th – office duties. Saturday 25th – Maj J. L. TAYLOR and Capt Fred McCOY arrived from the field, received furloughs. Sunday 26th – office duties, very warm, heavy showers. Monday 27th – office duties, went to the boat with J. L. TAYLOR and Fred McCOY, Surgeon HECKELMAN is sick. Tuesday July 28th – office duties, very busy, cloudy with showers, let Surgeon LUCAS have eleven hospital tents complete. Wednesday 29th – office duties, Miss…………left hospital and went to 2nd Division Hospital, sent Jeff’s letter. Thursday 30th – office duties, quite unwell. Friday 31st – Saturday August 1st – office duties. Sunday 2nd – office duties, quite unwell, received Rx – take one tablespoon one hour after each meal, a tonic and prophylactic. Monday 3rd – Sunday 9th – office duties, health the same. Monday 10th – Tuesday August 11th – office duties, making a writing desk at leisure moments. TO BE CONTINUED
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