Sebewa Recollector
Historical Newsletter from Sebewa (Township,
Ionia County, MI) – SURNAMES: Daniel, Smiley, Austin, Aungst, Lowery, Sandborn, Miller, Piercefield, Patrick, Green, Schnabel, Myers, Slowins, Hendee, Doelle; and those of many rural school students 1935-1938 RECENT DEATH: Margene B. DANIELS SMILEY, 69, wife of Roger SMILEY, mother of Mark A. Smiley, Scott (Krystal) Smiley, and Lorie Ann (John) Dailey, sister of Dallas (Jane) Daniels, Gary (Sharon) Daniels, and the late Larry (Judy) Daniels, daughter of Beulah AUSTIN DANIELS & Oren Washington DANIELS, son of Anna U. LINDLEY & Andrus W. DANIELS, son of Sarah D. & Oren W. DANIELS, Sr., son of Eunice & Andrus W. DANIELS, Sr., who settled in Sebewa Township at South State Road and BIPPLEY Road before 1869. Born on the family farm February 11, 1940, Margene died December 14, 2009. She is also survived by four grandchildren and her mother Beulah, daughter of Eva AUNGST AUSTIN & Daniel AUSTIN, son of Buel C. AUSTIN, who settled in Sebewa Township, at MUSGROVE Hwy. & South State Road, before 1891. Eva AUNGST was the daughter of Andrew Jackson AUNGST & Bernice LOWREY AUNGST, whose grandfather, John LOWREY, served in the Civil War, farmed on the 80 acres of Lowrey land at LOWREY Road & Portland Road in Berlin Township later owned by George COOK, and retired to Lake Odessa, son of Norton LOWREY, who settled in Berlin Township, Sec. 27 & 28, on Jordan Lake Road at Portland Road & LOWREY Road in 1858. Margene lived around the United States while her husband was a career military man, then they retired to a portion of the home farm in Sebewa Township. FRONT COVER: Photograph of “Martin SCHNABEL’S Descendants – Mom Amie SANDBORN MILLER, Great-grandma Lucinda PIERCEFIELD PATRICK GREEN, Great-great-grandma June SCHNABEL PIERCEFIELD, Grandma Jamie PATRICK SANDBORN MYERS, Jonnie Lynn MILLER” RECORD OF MARRIAGES – SEBEWA TOWNSHIP, IONIA COUNTY by Justice-of-the-Peace Elkanah CARPENTER, elected April 1867. (Occupation farmer unless stated)
BRADLEY, Egbert, 37, born New
RODEGEB, Henry, 28, born
Seneca Co, Ohio,
CHAPIN, Ancil John, 66,
(Physician) born Oneida Co, New York,
FORD, Derius, 39, born
Onandagua, NY,
SMITH, Frank C., 28, born
Seneca Co., Ohio,
WHEELER, George M., 32, born
Seneca Co., New York,
BRADEN, Joseph W., 24, born
Ashland Co., Ohio,
SHAY, Theodore, 23, born Huron
Co., Ohio,
INGALL, William, 30, born
Lincolnshire, England,
CHASE, Henry, 22, born
SWINEHART, Samuel P., 58, born
Belmont Co., Ohio,
McCLURE Philander, 20, born
Bangor Maine,
NASH, Shelby B., 23, born
Portage Co., Ohio,
BROWN, Sylvester P., 24, born
Oakland County, MI,
SMITH, John R., 22, born
Warren County, Ohio,
MERRIFIELD, Mansfield, 20,
born Oakland County, MI,
SLATE, Dennison, 23, born
Ingham County, MI,
COLLIER, George, 21, born
Lorain County, Ohio,
LEIGH, Franklin, 37, born
Oswego County, NY,
TURNER, William, 45, born
Schuylkill, Pennsylvania,
MARTIN, Thomas B., 22, born
VanHORN, James G., 26, born
Portland, MI,
NICHOLS, Marshal L., 23,
(occupation: sawyer), born Lyons, MI,
HASKINS, Lewis E., 30,
(Physician) born Indiana, By Justice-of-the-Peace R. A. KNOLL:
SAUNDERS, Alwin, 30,
(machinist), born Southwest Texas,
BROOKS, Charles O., 26, born
Eaton County, MI,
DAY, Mark D., 28, born Erie
County, NY, By Justice-of-the-Peace Norman GIBBS, (Sr.):
SANDBORN, Chester E., 24,
(teacher) born Danby Township, MI,
BICE, Andrew, 35, born
Fremont, Ohio,
SARGEANT, Silas H., 35, born
Calhoun County, MI,
TREECE, Henry H., 18, born
Sebewa Township, Ionia County, MI,
WASHBORN, 52, born in Ohio, RECORD OF MARRIAGES By Justice-of-the-Peace Benjamin C. PEACOCK:
SANDBORN, Lawrence N., 22,
born Sebewa Township, Ionia Co., RECORD OF MARRIAGES By Justice-of-the-Peace Charles LUNDQUIST:
SAGE, Clyde, 31, born Ronald
Township, Ionia County, MI to A HISTORY OF SEBEWA TOWNSHIP CEMETERIES - By Grayden Slowins: There are two cemeteries and a single burial site in Sebewa Township at the present time – 2008. A third cemetery, called the CARPENTER or REEDER Cemetery, was a private cemetery located in the northeast corner of Sec. 32, at the intersection of KIMMEL & TUPPER Lake Roads. It was about one-fourth acre in size. In 1905 this cemetery was taken up and the CARPENTERS were moved to the West Sebewa Cemetery, while the REEDERS were moved to East Sebewa Cemetery. Our earliest grave in the township is that of Jonathan INGALLS, Soldier of the Revolution, born 1762, died 1843, buried along the west roadside, at 13400 South KEEFER Hwy, 0.4 mile south of MUSGROVE Hwy. It is now well-marked with a new bronze government plaque on a stone next to the monument placed in 1921 by the D. A. R. WEST SEBEWA Cemetery was started on August 1, 1872, when Thomas LEAK sold Sebewa Township a one-acre plot, 12 ½ rods deep x 13 rods long, just to the west of the lot 15 rods long at the northeast corner of Sec. 30, MUSGROVE Hwy & GODDARD Rd, which he had sold to the Baptist Church two years earlier. The Baptist Church assumed the care of this cemetery in the early days, and some old-timers called it the Baptist Cemetery, but from day one the cemetery belonged to the township. On May 10, 1919, the township purchased an additional 40 feet (2 rods & 7 feet) on the west end from Frank & Carrie KIMBLE, successors to the Thomas LEAK estate. On September 22, 1952, Maurice & Vera GIERMAN sold a lot 12 ½ rods deep x 7 rods long to the township. On August 25, 1986, GIERMANS sold a lot 12 ½ rods deep x 13 rods long to the township, making 12 ½ rods x 35 rods 7 feet, or approximately 2.75 acres at 950 East MUSGROVE Highway. EAST SEBEWA Cemetery, originally called just Sebewa Cemetery, was started with 1.234 acres at the center of the north side of the NE ¼ Sec. 24, on BIPPLEY Road near KEEFER Hwy, purchased from Jacob HIGH on May 14, 1858. Polly BAKER was the first recorded burial there, on August 29, 1861, although it is believed some of the unmarked and unrecorded graves may have been there as early as 1845. On October 8, 1904, two acres were purchased from Jacob COLlINGHAM’S log yard and added to the west end of the East cemetery, bringing the property line to the center of Sebewa Creek. On January 6, 1972, a driveway along the top of the creek bank at the west end was traded to Clyde & Opal THUMA for a driveway along the south and east sides, plus one acre additional purchased on the east end, making 4.159 acres at 5680 East BIPPLEY Road. SEXTONS SERVING ONE OR BOTH CEMETERIES OVER THE YEARS WERE:
Harvey GUNN – east
Wellman & Barbara DARLING PORTLAND REVIEW January 9, 1923: Knox School Wins Sentinel-Standard Cup. The Knox School, taught by Lester CAMPBELL, was last week presented with the Sentinel-Standard Scholarship cup. A sterling silver medal was given to Miss Salome SKINNER, who, as an eighth grad graduate of the Knox School, had the highest average standing, 91.4. A school winning the cup two years in succession gets to keep it; otherwise it will change owners each year. Miss SKINNER keeps the medal. Notice to Farm Bureau Members: A meeting of Portland Farm Bureau Community Group will be held at BARTON Bros. Hall, Portland, Friday, January 12, 1923. Forenoon session: 10:00 A.M., reading of reports from all divisions of the business. Afternoon session: election of officers, addresses by state speakers. Lester CAMPBELL, Secretary. Mrs. Jesse HENDEE, Mrs. Mary VanBENSCHOTEN, and her son Cornelius (Jr.), who are spending the winter in California, write that they were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. CULVER, at Pasadena, on Christmas Day. Mrs. CULVER attended Portland schools at the same time the other ladies were students. She was the former Miss Addie BALDWIN, daughter of Phoeba Maria FRIEND & Rush P. BALDWIN of Sebewa. Cashier Charles GILDEN (Jr.) resumed his duties at the Webber State Savings Bank Friday. Mr. & Mrs. GILDEN returned from their wedding trip early in the week, devoting several days to getting settled in the GILDEN home on Academy Street, where they will reside. (Mrs. GILDEN is the former Margery ALBERTS of Sebewa Corners, where her father ran a general store.) John A. DOELLE, who last week resigned as Director of the State Department of Agriculture, married Miss Lucille BUELL, daughter of Rev. G. A. BUELL, once pastor of the Portland Methodist Church. Mrs. DOELLE is also a sister of Mrs. Will McCLELLAND of Portland. The resignation was made on account of Mr. DOELLE’S appointment to the vice presidency of the Federal Land Bank of St. Paul, Minnesota. Clifton PEAKE returned Friday from a very successful fur-buying trip to Ohio. It included 311 mink pelts, 1000 coon pelts, 3000 skunk pelts, and 10 fox pelts. Mr. PEAKE buys for Kalamazoo Hide & Fur Co. FOR SALE: Farm of 100 acres, fine location, inquire John A. McCLELLAND. (This farm, still belonging to John A. McCLELLAND in 1937, was located a half-mile east of FROST Corners on the north side of PEAKE Road, and belonged to Sylvester & Mae JENKINS in the 1950s.) FOR SALE: The Will PEABODY farm, three-fourths mile west of COMPTON’S Corners, (north side of Tupper Lake Road,) Danby. No finer farm in Michigan. Best of buildings, good fences, 120 acres. House has hardwood finish, bath, electric lights. Priced very low to close estate. G. W. ALLEN. (This farm later belonged to Weldon HARMON, then Harley CHAPMAN, and is now the Keith & Reva MERRYFIELD farm.) PORTLAND REVIEW January 9, 1923: Prison Labor Contract Terminated. New Order Will Increase Demand for (outside) Labor at Plants of Ypsilanti Reed Co. Work formerly handled at the prison will be added to that outside. Order seen as a result of Ge. GREEN’S failure to bow down and worship (party politics). An order issued last week, that inmates of Jackson and Ionia prisons be put on State work at once, marks the end of prison labor contracts. Incidentally, it should mean an increased output at the main factory of the Ypsilanti Reed Furniture Company in Ionia and at its branches in Portland and elsewhere. Convict labor played an important part in developing the reed furniture industry, but Gen. GREEN and his associates have been gradually working away from it. Scarcely one-third of the output was being furnished by prison labor when the order came last week. For two years Ionia Prisoners have worked on a day-to-day contract with the Ypsilanti Reed Co., whose officers have seen the end coming and were prepared for it. More hands have been taken on lately in the outside plants and Manager EMERY is this week advertising for more girls (!) at the Portland factory, where 248 names were on the payroll Friday. As many as 350 can be given employment as soon as some of the room now used for storage can be given over to manufacturing. Several offers of storage space have come from people in the village, but the company trucks have been too busy to move the stored articles. Close observers venture the guess that politics had something to do with the sudden termination of business relations between the State and the Reed Co. Gen. GREEN has been held responsible by Gov. GROSEBECK for the poor showing given him in this county in the election two years ago and last fall. This perhaps accounts for the day-to-day arrangement at the prison. It is clear Gen. GREEN had not sacrificed his political independence as the price of retaining prison labor and so the ax fell. (Both were Republicans, but after Alexander J. GROESBECK was elected to one more two-year term in 1924, General Fred W. GREEN was elected to replace him in 1926 & 1928.) The Portland Farmers’ Telephone Company voted at their annual meeting to raise the rate for farm telephones to $18 per year. (Editor’s Note: This rate was still in effect when we moved to this farm in 1957.) This was an advance of $3, made necessary by the fact that the Michigan State Phone Company, which does the switching for the farmers, recently made a $3 advance for this service. At present little is being done to extend areas of service, pending consolidation of major companies. Joseph SPITZLEY, who has acted as secretary and manager of the company for the last seven years, declined reelection. Arthur ELVERT takes his place. Other officers are: President – C. W. PEAKE, V. Pres. – Arthur NUNNELEY, Treas. – Lorenzo WEBBER, Directors – Nelson BOWMAN, Fred KLOTZ, Ernest BUCK, David DILLEY, Wm. H. PRYER. J. Calvin LINEBAUGH, County School Commissioner, was in town Friday. He expects to make an active campaign for re-nomination and reelection. (Elwood M. BRAKE won that election and served for 39 consecutive years.) IONIA COUNTY NEWS, December 14, 1961: IONIA’S CON-CON DELEGATES ACTIVE ON THE JOB AT LANSING. Ionia County’s two delegates to the current Constitutional Convention are very active and influential, according to Edward HUTCHINSON, Vice-President of the Convention. Speaking at a service club luncheon, Mr. Hutchinson pointed out that during the campaign, both Mr. D. Hale BRAKE of Stanton and Mr. Stanley M. POWELL of Ionia were active in opposition to the holding of a Constitutional Convention. (POWELL was elected to represent Ionia and Montcalm’s two-county Senatorial District at the Con-Con.) Many folks regarded them as ultraconservatives and felt that they wouldn’t want to change anything that is now in the Constitution. Mr. HUTCHINSON pointed out that contrary to the predictons, Delegate BRAKE has introduced more proposals to change the Constitution than any other of the 99 Republican delegates. As of that Delegate POWELL has tied for third place, having introduced 10 proposals. This illustrates that Delegates BRAKE and POWELL are not against revision of constitutional provisions, but both felt that desirable changes might preferably be made by the individual amendment process rather than through a general revision by a Con-Con. Mr. BRAKE is Chairman of the Committee on Finance and Taxation and is an influential member of the Committee on Local Government. Mr. POWELL is a member of the Committee to which the largest number of Delegate Proposals have been referred, the Committee on Legislative Powers, and is Chairman of one of its subcommittees and is also a member of the very important Committee on Style and Drafting. He is chairman of the delegates from the 8th Congressional District. Recently Delegate POWELL was called before the Committee on Legislative Organization to present his views on the very important issue of legislative districting and apportionment. A few days ago the Convention President, Steven S. NISBET called on Delegate POWELL to deliver the invocation at the opening of the daily session. The Journal of the Convention records that Mr. POWELL offered the following prayer: “Our gracious Heavenly Father, we pause at the threshold of this, our daily session, to voice our dependence on Thee for all that we are and have. We thank Thee especially for our great heritage of freedom and opportunity. Give us the vision and wisdom to preserve these precious liberties for our fellow men and to pass them on, undiminished, to future generations. We come to Thee today in a spirit of praise, of gratitude, and thanksgiving. We ask that Thy special blessing may be upon us. Reduce our prejudices and our pettiness. Purify our motives and our aspirations. Clarify our vision and grant us a double portion of discretion, understanding, and wisdom. Help us to be ever true to our highest and most worthy principles. In the name of Thy dear son, our Savior, we pray. Amen.” IONIA FAIR PREMIUM BOOK – Printed in 1906 by Gen. James H. KIDD, Editor of the Ionia Sentinel, reveals history of that event and facts about the community. Fair Association dues were $1.00 per year, which entitled a person to enter competition for all regular and special premiums. Daily admission was 25 cents for adults, 15 cents for children under 12, and children under six years were admitted free. Grandstand tickets were 15 cents for all. The Fair opened at 7:00 AM and closed at 5:00 PM. Family picnics were encouraged and cheap excursion fares were available on both railroads. The Fair Association officers in 1906 were: President D. O. McVeigh; Vice-President H. J. HALL; Secretary E. A. MURPHY; and Treasurer E. E. SLYE. INTERESTING FACTS – Ionia City in 1906 had:
A population of nearly 6000. CLASS LISTS – SEBEWA CENTER SCHOOL (As of 1st day of school each year) YEAR: 1935-1936, TEACHER Bernice SHUMWAY/KLOPFENSTEIN Grade:
1st: Bertha
Kdg: Frederick SMITH YEAR: 1937, TEACHER Mildred ENSWORTH
Geneva CROSS, Robert CROSS, Howard SHILTON, Jean VanPOLEN
![]() Last update October 20, 2021 |