Sebewa Recollector
THE SEBEWA RECOLLECTOR, Bulletin of the The Sebewa Center Association, Bulletin of The Sebewa Center Association, October 1971, Volume 7, Number 2
KATHRYN STRONG 1880-1971 Kathryn Howland was born in Lapeer County, graduated from Lapeer High School and Ypsilanti Normal School. She taught at Stanton, Sebewa Center, was Superintendent at Sunfield High School and taught at Tacoma, Washington. After her teaching career she married Ernest Strong. She enjoyed the respect and good feelings of all the community and her former pupils. BEN PROBASCO REMEMBERS Tom Van Buren was a stone mason and helped to build the barn for Eugene Probasco. When he was there Ben asked him what his job was in the Navy in the Civil War. He said he was stationed on the MONITOR in the sea battle of the ironclads early in the war. The MERRIMAC was a made over Confederate ship newly clad with railroad rails to protect her from enemy fire had sunk a number of Union wooden ships the day before the battle with the MONITOR in the sea battle of the ironclads early in the war. The crew hastily stoked up the boilers of “The Yankee Cheesebox” as the MONITOR was called. The MONITOR had a very low deck, only a few feet above the water, with the ironclad gun turret above. The turret had two guns opposite each other and the whole thing revolved on a system of gears. Tom was an ammunition handler on the deck of the MONITOR. To get the powder and cannon missiles from the hold, an elevator was arranged with two large trays with one coming up when the other went down. The system was to bring up ammunition for a cannon on a tray, get it in the cannon and rotate the turret and fire. By the time of firing, the other gun was at the right place for loading. And so it went for hours—up and down with the ammunition, around and fire with the cannon. Van Buren manned the windlass that brought the ammunition from the hold. The battle ended as a draw as neither ship could do any substantial harm to the other. Van Buren brought a piece of the MONITOR’S battle flag back to Sunfield where it is kept in the G.A.R. Hall there. 1971-72 MEMBERSHIP LIST REESTABLISHED BY DUES PAYMENT As of this date 274 members of The Sebewa Center Association have paid dues for the year of 1971-72. When we reach some that we missed in August and some who live a considerable distance away, the figure should be well over 300 people. THE EAGLE SCREAMS AGAIN When you read the first installment of THE EAGLE SCREAMS we urge you to go back to the August 1968 issue of THE RECOLLECTOR for the circumstances surrounding its original publication. It caused a commotion in 1905; it is not intended that it should do so these 66 years later. A SEBEWA FIRST Several coils of plastic tubing for farm drainage are on the ground and ready to be incorporated in the tiling system on the Seybold farm. AREA TRAVELOGS FOR THE 1971-72 SEASON
IONIA at Watt Auditorium 8:00 P.M. Thursdays Ionia Rotary Club September 23, 1971 Walter S. Dodson WELSH WONDERLAND October 28, 1971 James Forshee INCREDIBLE JAPAN December 16, 1971 Robert Brouwer DESERT TO DIXIE February 10, 1972 Keith McColl CANADA’S CHANGING FAR NORTH March 2, 1972 Robert Q. Ostlund ITALY’S BEAUTIFUL TUSCANY May 4, 1972 Lee Cavanagh CRUSING ADRIATIC RIVIERAS
HASTINGS Tuesdays Kiwanis Club of Hastings October 5, 1971 Romain Wilhelmsen ENCHANTING NEW MEXICO November 9, 1971 Robert Q. Ostlund ITALY’S BEAUTIFUL TUSCANY January 11, 1972 Doug Jones NEW YORK CITY February 22, 1972 Bill Kennedy NOVA SCOTIA March 21, 1972 Joe Adair ETHIOPIA—FABLED KINGDOM April 11, 19972 Bob O’Reilly IRELAND—LAND OF LEGEND
CHARLOTTE Charlotte High School Lecture Hall West Highway 78 8:00 PM KIWANIS CLUB of Charlotte November 6, 1971 Romain Wilhelmsen BOLIVIAN ADVENTURE December 18, 1971 Robert Brouwer AMERICA—OF THEE I SING January 8, 1972 James Forshee INCREDIBLE JAPAN February 5, 1972 Robert Q. Ostlund HOSTELING IN GERMANY March 4, 1972 Dennis Cooper TRAILS OF THE MOUNTAIN WEST April 15, 1972 Bob O’Reilly IRELAND—LAND OF LEGEND
All programs arranged through Ralph Windows Travelogues Ind., 1326 McKay Tower, Grand Rapids, MI 49502
PORTLAND—POOR PATRONAGE—POOF! NO TRAVELOGUES Season tickets are available from the sponsoring organizations. THE EAGLE SCREAMS—THE REVELATIONS OF CRIME At the close of the Civil War, which as everyone knows, it terminated in favor of the anti-slavery party, there remained a desire on the part of a few of the people of the South to be avenged. Among the foremost of these was Frank Payne Russell, a brother-in-law to Jefferson Davis, the Presidency of the Confederacy. The Russells and Davises during their early life resided at a village called Nebraski in Kentucky about twenty miles east of Lexington. A careful pursuance of these pages will convince the most skeptical that these people were anything except the kind that any respectable person, endowed with a normal amount of common sense with desire for neighbors or companions. As to their methods of obtaining a living, it was through dishonest, illegitimate dealings always. While they were residents of Nebraski they dealt chiefly in slaves. Their method was to steal a good strong man and sell him for a big figure, making a bargain with him at the same time that he was to behave very badly so that they could buy him again very cheap and again they would induce their man to run away from his master, invariably promising him his freedom. If the man began to show symptoms of homesickness, however, or they had any reason to fear his returning to his former owner, they would kill him and burn him as both his former and his last owner would think he had succeeded in making his escape. They were allied, however, with a large gang of thieves and cut throats like themselves. They carried on a very extensive business which extended through nearly all the slave holding states. When Russell saw that slavery was fast gaining disfavor and bid fair to become extinct and thus destroy his nefarious dealings, he became alarmed and at once began to incite a rebellion. As the people had been led to believe that their slaves had been induced and assisted to leave their masters and run away by Northern people and as the Gang had on several occasions entered the planters’ homes, murdered the inmates, plundered the house and carried off the slaves and it has been intimated that they sometimes took white children and held them for ransom. Homes had also been burned to the ground and the charred remains of its inmates became evident whereby an unsuspecting public was deceived. When Russell decided to originate a rebellion he called the attention of the Southern people to these crimes, persuading then to believe that it had been done by Northern people. Russell, who was endowed with more than a normal amount of thinking ability, combined with a bloodthirsty nature and a desire for sovereignty, which prompted him to take action. He saw, however, that to assume the leadership of a rebellion was by no means either a pleasant or safe undertaking. He realized the fact that if matters went against him, he would be banished from this country, anyhow, and that he stood quite a chance of being hung. He therefore decided to put his equally avaricious though less considerate brother-in-law at the head; then if success crowned his efforts, he would come to the front and make himself conspicuous and eventually be crowned king. During the war, Russell, with an organized gang, mostly of his own relatives, plundered the country wherever there was any prospect of a battle being fought in the future and where the men were all away to the war. Then they would dress in Union Soldiers’ clothes and pretend they were Union Soldiers out on a foraging expedition. At those times they would take anything they considered of value to them such as horses, cattle, or farm stock of any kind or anything they could find about the planter’s place they considered worth taking. As soon as the war was over, Frank Payne Russell began to seek revenge. He went to Washington, D. C., where he with J. Wilkes Booth and other conspired against President Lincoln. First they tried to kidnap the President but failing in that he laid the plot which brought about the assassination. While Russell was yet a resident of Nebraski, KY., he engaged in a fight with a neighbor by the name of Guy to whose wife Russell had paid undue attention and which resulted in the loss of an eye to Russell. He went away swearing vengeance but returned there after a time and apologized, saying that he was intoxicated at the time of their trouble. Mr. Guy accepted the apology, however, and soon they were on as friendly terms as ever but it was not for long for Russell soon stirred up a riot in which one of Guy’s sons was killed outright and the other wounded in such a way as to cause him to suffer intense agony all the days of his life and eventually died of his wounds. After their failure to kidnap the President, Russell at once began to lay plans to kill him. He held secret meetings with his confederates for that purpose. Booth, although quite a gifted actor but an amateur, was given the job of writing a play, which he did, entitled “Our American Cousins”, which was got up in such a way as to conform with rest of the plot. Russell did the planning of the stage and acted as head boss during its construction. He occasionally walked through on a tour of inspection. On these occasions he wore clothing that had been a long time in service but of good quality. He walked with a limp and carried a cane. Around his neck he wore a red bandana handkerchief. He made himself to appear a trifle stooped and stopped occasionally to ask some simple question of the workmen. He never gave them orders himself but awaited his opportunity to convey his ideas to Booth. In that way and by holding their meetings at night Russell was enabled to deceive the public and thus avoid being recognized. As everyone knows, the result of this scheme, the assassination of the President, it is not necessary to go into details. As soon as Russell had learned of the President’s death, he instructed his cousin, Lewis Payne Powell in regard to making an attempt on the life of Secretary Steward, using the excuse of his only having one eye for not taking an open part in any of these daredevil doings himself. Booth, being killed outright and Powell, believing that Russell would come to his rescue, made no complaint against him. Consequently he escaped without detection. After that he went directly to Indiana where he was soon joined by his family and relatives. It soon occurred to him that there was a chance to start another rebellion. Working upon this impression, he decided it was best to change the family name, which they did to the more common name of Turner with the ordinary first name, William. After that he moved to Michigan and settled in Woodland, Barry County. Frank Payne Russel’s (alias William Turner) family consisted of himself, his wife, Lecelia Davis, and five children namely as follows: William Turner, Jr. who was afterwards known as Whiskey Bill and Horse Jockey Bill and Crooked Bill—not from any deformity in his physical makeup but from his unfair, dishonest dealings; the next, Elizabeth, became the wife of William Hook; and Hezekiah, who died a batchelor at the home of Louis Jolley of Portland, Michigan; Ellen married Edwin Bishop; and Dorcey the youngest, died at the home of his brother, Whiskey Bill in Danby, Ionia County in the year A.D. 1880. After William Turner Sr. (F. P. Russell) had lived in Woodland awhile he sold his place and he moved to Sebewa where he located on a new piece of land one half mile north of Sunfield, Eaton County, Michigan. A short time after they moved to this place Mrs. Turner died under very suspicious circumstances. After that Ellen kept house for them until she was married to Bishop. Then the men folks lived there by themselves, Old One Eyed Bill, as he was known, and his sons. While they were living thus they had a cousin visit them from Ohio by the name of Randolph Wilson. Wilson had $750.00 in cash with him with which to buy new land. The two Bill Turners killed him and wrapped his body in a sheet and carried it across the road onto Elick Fields’ place where it was later found by Fields and Dave Figg. One Eyed Bill took the sheet back to the house and spread it out upon the ground where dozens of neighbors viewed it and some even recognized it by the hemstitching, which had been done by hand, as the work of Ellen Turner Bishop. Then came to Sunfield about the same time that Russell came, a man who gave the name of Asy Stinchcomb but whose right name was Powell. He was also a brother-in-law of Russell. His family consisted of his wife, Elizabeth Russell, and eight children namely as follows: Mary, Ida, Ewildia were the girls and David, Edward, Noah, Gideon and Monroe are the names of the male members. Powell also had an elder brother by the name of Fred Powell, whose wife was also a sister to Mrs. Asy Stinchcomb and F. P. Russell—One Eyed Bill Turner. Fred Powell and his family went west during the latter part of the war and changed his name to James, whose two sons, Frank and Jessie, became conspicuous as outlaws and are known in history as the James Boys and the Younger Brothers. In the early spring A.D. 1869 there came to Sebewa a tinware peddler, who had a good team of horses and a full line of stock. The last that anyone would ever admit of seeing him was the afternoon of the 9th of April when Leonard Lumbert saw him drive into the long swamp, one and a half miles north of Sunfield. A short time afterwards it became evident that the Turners and Bishops had a full supply of new tinware. Old One Eyed Bill left immediately for a visit to Indiana and returned in about a week’s time with a team wagon. The facts in the case are the Turners killed the peddler then, after taking out what goods they could use, Old Bill had driven the team, sold them for what he could get and stolen another and brought them home with him. A short time after that Whiskey Bill killed a young man by the name of John Whitten. Whitten was an unmarried man and made his home with David Lumbert, a poor but generous hearted man. Whiskey Bill very often called at the Lumbert home and eventually became enamored of Liefy, the eldest daughter, a buxom lass with fire red hair. Whiskey Bill became jealous of Whitten and killed him. While David and Leonard Lumbert were excavating for a sluice, they were digging through where a log had been carried out by high water and they came across the arm and hand bones of a human being. About 25 years afterwards Turner admitted to the killing of Whitten and said he buried him where the Lumberts dug up the bones. While David Stinchcomb was teaching school at Sunfield, Noah Stinchcomb and Dora Piglan, two of the pupils became involved in a fight. When Noah, who was nearly twice the bulk of his opponent, had Figlan down in such a shape as to render him helpless, David ran out, but instead of parting them, as a teacher should, he clapped his hands and shouted “Kill him, Noah, kill him!” About that time Hiram Neff, one of the citizens, happened along and separated them at the same time telling David that nothing but a son-of-a-b would do the like of that. A short time after that David and Noah laid for Figlan and killed him and buried him on the southeast corner of Asy Stinchcomb’s place. THE FATE OF HIRAM NEFF Hi Neff and his wife and his son, Earl, and his wife lived on a farm a half mile South and a half mile west of Sunfield village. Because of the goodly amount of property Neff had managed to accumulate, the Gang became jealous and decided to get rid of them. Bill Turner went to their place when they were not at home and put strychnine and laudanum in the teapot. Mrs. Neff drank some of it, which caused her to appear as if she had paralysis, as the doctor called it, as they could not make out what it was. When Turner saw how matters stood, he at once set about to take Mr. Neff’s life. He made them a visit and formed his plans. He located a log cabin and examined the conditions of the ground in the land over which they must necessarily travel enroute to the woods. He then proceeded to raise a mob to help him hang Hi Neff. The following persons took part in Mr. Neff’s execution: William Turner, Oscar Scholtus, Edward Stinchcomb, Gid Stinchcomb, Monroe Stinchcomb, Joe Ralston, Willard Lumber and Norris Perkins. This gang met at Sunfield at Stinchcomb’s Drug Store and after filling up on liquor and morphine they proceeded to quickly carry out their inglorious scheme. In the forepart of the evening, just at dusk they proceeded on foot to the Neff home where they found Mr. Neff doing his chores. He was just finishing up the milking when the Gang appeared. They walked in upon him without a moment’s warning and as they had previously made arrangements to have Earl away on some pretext or another, they had nothing to prevent them from carrying out their devilish scheme. They grappled Mr. Neff and started with him down the lane toward the woods. They kept up a continual laughing and joking all the time so Mr. Neff did not know whether they were fooling with him or not. Turner carried the chain as well as the long rope and a rum strap. Neff asked them what they were going to hang him for. They replied “Because you advised Lincoln to leave this country”. He denied the charge, however, but they told him he was a friend of Lincoln’s and therefore ought to hang. They took him to a tree, which had been bent over when a sapling and which Neff had let grow because of its peculiar form. They tied the rope around his waist and bound his wrists with the rum strap. Then they pulled him up so that he sat astride the tree and then fastened the chain around the tree and then adjusted it around Neff’s neck. Then they pulled him off the tree by the rope with such force that it broke his neck. It must be remembered that all this occupied a very limited space of time as it was done in a hurry in order to conceal their crime. As soon as they got through with their hanging they hastened back to Sunfield. Sometime previou8s during the illness of Oren Hanks, a neighbor, Mr. Neff called at their home and during his call was presented by Mrs. Hanks with some spiritualistic reading matter, which was very similar and predicted the death of Neff just as it occurred. This seemed to worry him (Hanks) and he, who belonged to the Gang, informed them to that effect. The Gang Ear; Neff’s attention to it, telling him at the same time that his father was losing his mind and thus paved the way for their crime. Take Warning, while when this came to hand there will be those who, for personal reasons, will denounce this writing as false or absurd. Be not deceived. Neff, after reading the matter Mrs. Hanks gave him, which proved his undoing, instead of endeavoring to aid Lincoln and get the matter before the people, took action against him. He held a counsel with W. K. Blair and devised a method to kill Lincoln. These people, knowing Lincoln to be quite adept with firearms and Neff, being the possessor of an old muzzle loading rifle. Blair took the gun and filed the threads off the breech pin, loaded it with smokeless powder and got Lincoln to shoot it; but the gun did not explode and Lincoln, becoming aware that they were trying to put up a job on him refused to shoot it again. As soon as the Gang got back to Sunfield they found Earl and told him that his father was missing and at once the whole Gang except Turner set out to look for him. Their object in making this trip was to obliterate the track they had made the first time and also to confirm their suspicious of Neff’s suicidal tendencies. The reason Turner did not return with the Gang was, he said, he been in so many dirty stinking little scrapes he was afraid of being suspicioned. (This installment is about a third of the booklet, THE EAGLE SCREAMS, published in 1905 and generally attributed to Welcome (Weck) Lumbert. It is brought to you, not as a revelation of crime, but to show how it must have shocked the community in 1905. The number of “murders” revealed in the rest of the book is almost boringly profuse.) HOW IT WAS IN SCHOOL DISTRICT #2 SEBEWA IN 1865 School District Number Two in Sebewa in 1865 had its schoolhouse located on what is now Tupper Lake Road one mile east of Goddard Road. The old building has long since been removed across the corner and is now one of the outbuildings on the Wellman Darling farm. It was built in 1853, making it one of the oldest buildings in the township left standing. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS OF SCHOOL MEETINGS OF DISTRICT NUMBER TWO, SEBEWA The annual meeting of School District No. 2 met on the 4th day of September, A. D. 1865. Meeting called to order and proceeded to business. Resolved: That Stephen Rider serve as Moderator for the term of three years. Resolved: That we support the school by the Dollar tax. Resolved: That there be a female teacher and three months winter and three summer School. Resolved: That the District furnish twelve cords of wood and that E. Carpenter furnish the same for twelve Dollars ($12.00) by the first of February next. Resolved: That there be a tax raised of twelve Dollars to pay for the wood. Resolved: That there be a tax of three Dollars raised for incidental purposes. Dated Sebewa, September 4, 1865. Samuel P. Bliss, Director Stephen Rider, Moderator Kite Jewell was hired for a term of 12 weeks commencing on the 22 day of May to be paid $3.50 per week. Francis Carpenter was hired for a term of 12 weeks commencing on the 13th day of November for $54.00 for the term.
At the Annual School Meeting of District Number Two held on the 3 day of September, 1866, meeting was called to order and proceeded to business. Resolved: That Charles Ford serve as assessor for the term of 3 years. Resolved: That there be a tax raised of forty dollars for incidental purposes. Resolved: To have the Dollar tax. (The dollar tax was apparently an assessment of one dollar for each pupil on the census.) Resolved: That there be a three month’s winter and three month’s summer school. Resolved: That a female teacher be hired. Dated Sebewa September 3 A.D. 1866 Samuel P. Bliss, Director Stephen Rider, Moderator Mary Stone was hired for a term of 13 weeks beginning May 14, 1866 to be paid $30.00. Elizabeth Youngs was hired for a term of 13 weeks beginning November 19, 1866 $45.50 for the term.
At the Annual School Meeting of District Number Two held on the 2nd day of September, 1867. Meeting was called to order, proceed to business. Resolved: D. W. Goddard was elected director by a majority of members present. Resolved: That there be a one dollar tax on a scholar raised. Resolved: That there be three months winter and three months summer school. Also voted to build one privy of the following dimensions: 4 by 6 to be set over a bank three feet deep to be built with lumber also battened to be built in good workmanlike manner. Job sold to Washburn Wight. Voted that a special tax of five dollars be raised to defray the expense of privy. The undersigned members of the District Board of School District Number 2 in the township of Sebewa do hereby appoint William B. Friend Director of said district to fill the vacancy created by D. W. Goddard not accepting the office to which he was duly elected September 2, 1867 in place of Samuel Bliss, the late incumbent. Dated this 4th day of September, 1867. William B. Friend, Director, Stephen Rider, Moderator, Charles Ford, Assessor Francis A. Carpenter was hired for $4.00 per week to teach 13 weeks beginning May 13, 1867. John Waring was hired for $105.00 to teach a term of three months beginning on November 25, 1867.
At the Annual Meeting of School District Number 2 held at the schoolhouse September 7, 1868 the meeting was called and adjourned until the 12th day of September. The 12th meeting was called to order by the Moderator. The job of repairing the schoolhouse was let to Charles Ford for $7.00; the stops are to be put in the windows; the door is to be repaired; the windows are to be repaired; the roof to be repaired so as to not leak; the plastering to be put on where it is off; the house to be banked, all done by the fifteenth of October 1868. Resolved: That we raise two dollars on the scholars. Resolved: That we have six months school for the coming year. Resolved: That we have a man teacher for the summer term. Resolved: That we get ten cords of hardwood the job let to Ransler Peeling for one dollar per cord to be delivered by the first day of January next. Resolved: That we raise ten Dollars to pay for wood; voted to adjourn for this year. Wesley Meyers was hired for three months beginning November 6, 1868 for $105.00 He was admonished to “keep good government”. Mary Smith had the spring term commencing June 1 for 13 weeks for $52.00. W. B. Friend, Director Stephen Rider, Moderator THE HANDY HAND GUN—EVERYBODY OUGHT TO HAVE ONE From THE PORTLAND OBSERVER of September 20, 1882. IS IT MURDER? In compliance with your request I endeavor to present you with the facts in relation to the attempted if not accomplished murder of Riley N. Wilson by Walter Dann. The circumstances that led up to the crime are these: Some time ago, two or three years, Walter Dann with his family left his farm in the Southeast corner of Sebewa Township, where the shooting took place and went to Muskegon, engaging in trade there. Dann bought of Wilson, who was in trade in Sebewa and Sunfield, a quantity of produce to something over $200. In December last Mr. Wilson began an action in attachment against Dann in the Circuit Court attaching the farm in Dann’s interest in 20 acres of wheat then on the premises. After judgement was obtained a levy was made of the property attached, the wheat was advertised for sale and sold on the 21st day last August to Riley N. Wilson, the execution creditor. Dann was present at the sale and forbid it, although he claimed he had sold the wheat to a man at Twin Lakes some time before. Believing the pretended sale bogus, and the attitude of Dann were bluff, deputy Toan sold the wheat as above stated. Dann had intended to go back to Muskegon as soon as the wheat was threshed, which it was then expected would be in a day or two. The threshing was put off from time to time for an opportunity to thresh when Wilson should be off watch; but Wilson kept close watch of the wheat. In the meantime Dann threatened to shoot Wilson if he should attempt to take his wheat. Tuesday morning the machine came to thresh and Wilson was on hand to take his share of the wheat. It was a little after 7 o’clock in the morning, about 15 bushels had been threshed when Dann put in an appearance, Wilson was holding a bag to receive wheat at the time. Dann stepped between the man tending measure and Wilson and asked Wilson if he had any papers for the wheat. He replied that he had not, whereupon Dann ordered Wilson from the premises. Wilson refused to go, whereat Dann drew a revolver and shot Wilson twice at which junction Wilson drew a revolver and shot Dann twice in self-defense. The firing continued on both sides till the weapons were empties. Dann was shot twice, once in the side and once in the hand. Neither are thought to be serious. Wilson was hit three times in the hip, side and one shot struck the shoulder and glancing, lodged in the back of the head. His wounds were thought to be very serious if not fatal. Wilson was taken to his home in Sunfield. Dann was arrested and arraigned before Alford A. Garlock and had his examination set down for the 22nd. He is in the meantime in custody of deputy sheriff Friend of Sebewa. THE FOLLOWUP September 27, 1882—Riley N. Wilson, who was shot by Walter Dann last week, is improving slowly and is in a fair way of recovery. October 18, 1882—The examination of Walter Dann, who shot R. N. Wilson, was to have been completed today. (It is probable that Mr. Wilson will be able to be in court at that time and the examination will undoubtedly be completed.) It has been continued until the 26th of October at 10 o’clock A. M., the prisoner’s physician deeming him unable to be present today. November 1, 1882—The examination is again postponed on account of the illness of Mr. Dann, this time to the eighth of November at 10 o’clock A.M. This time it is hoped he will be able to attend and the examination will be concluded. May 16, 1893—In the case of the people vs. Walter Dann before the circuit court at Ionia the respondent was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. A. A. Ellis was appointed his attorney. Later, we learned the jury in this case, after hearing the testimony and arguments, brought in a verdict of assault with intent to kill. They were out about twenty minutes. May 23, 1883—The jury in the Walter Dann case recommended him to the mercy of the court when they brought in the verdict of guilty. The judge sentenced him to five years imprisonment. We understand it will be appealed to the supreme court. May 7, 1884—Walter Dann, convicted at Ionia of assault with intent to murder a year ago was sentenced to Jackson for five years, is back home a free man. The Supreme Court decided the act to have been in self defense. WHO GOT THE WHEAT? Probably nobody knows. THE SEBEWA RECOLLECTOR
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