Rev. George W. Guernsey

The following obituary of George Washington Guernsey was a newspaper clipping
found in a book belonging to my mother Margaret Elizabeth Crismore Bishop Curry,
who inherited it from her mother, Carrie Elizabeth Guernsey Crismore, who
inherited it from her mother, Margaret Elizabeth Hogle Upton Guernsey:
George W. Guernsey died in Ionia County, Michigan,
April 4th, 1878, age 67 years, 3 months, and 20 days. He was born in Washington
County, New York; removed in early life to Otsego County; married there,
experienced religion, and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1844 he
moved to Indiana, where his wife died, and he married again. In 1850 he came to
Michigan and settled in Ionia County. Through all these changes he held fast to
his integrity as a Christian and a lover of Christ and of good men. In 1868 he
withdrew from the Methodist Episcopal Church on account of his views of secrecy,
and came to the United Brethren Church as an exhorter. Since that time he has
been an active laborer as exhorter and local preacher, and, in full sympathy
with the Church, has employed his time and means to advance its interest. It
might be said of him, as of one of old, "He was a good man and full of the Holy
Ghost." His health had been failing for sometime; but his last sickness was of
short duration. It is not enough to say that with him the close of life was
peaceful; it was uncommonly triumphant.
Submitted by
Tom & Gerri Bishop

Last update December 29, 2007 |